Online Civil Engineering Test - Estimating and Costing Test


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Pick up the item of work not included in the plinth area estimate
Wall thickness
Room area
Verandah area
W.C. area
Courtyard area.
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Correct Answer: Option

The plinth area of a building not includes
area of the walls at the floor level
area of stair cover
internal shaft for sanitary installations up to 2 sq m. in area
lift and wall including landing
area of cantilevered porch.
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the correct statement from the following:
The estimated value of the work excluding the amount for contigencies, work charged establishment, tool and plants, is called work value
The actual expenditure involved to complete a work including incidental, establishment and travelling charges, is called actual cost
The formal acceptance by the administrative department for incurring an expenditure on the work, is called administrative approval
The order of a competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair is called technical sanction
All the above.
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

If tensile stress of a steel rod of diameter D is 1400 kg/cm2 and bond stress is 6 kg/cm2, the required bond length of the rod is
30 D
40 D
50 D
53 D
59 D
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Correct Answer: Option

The total length of a cranked bar through a distance (d) at 45° in case of a beam of effective length L, is
L + 0.42 d
L + 2 x 0.42 d
L - 0.42 d
L - 2 x 0.4 d
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Cost of fittings and their fixing is specified for the following sanitary fittings
Water closets
Flushing pipes
Lavatary basins
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

As per Indian Standard Specifications, the peak discharge for domestic purposes per capita per minute, is taken
1.80 litres for 5 to 10 users
1.20 litres for 15 users
1.35 for 20 users
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

The cross-sections for a highway is taken at
right angle to the centre line
30 metres apart
intermediate points having abrupt change in gradient
the starting end points of the curves
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the correct statement from the following:
The earth work of cutting in trenches or borrow pits in fairly uniform ground is measured with the help of average depths of the dead men
The earth work in trenches or borrow pits in irregular ground is measured by taking the difference in levels before and after completion of work
The earth work in trenches or borrow pits, where neither a nor b is feasible, are measured from the fillings after deduction of voids
All the above.
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the excavation where measurements are made in square metres for payment.
Ordinary cuttings up to 1 m
surface dressing up to 15 cm depths
Surface excavation up to 30 cm depths
Both (b) and (c)
Both (a) and (b)
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The item of steel work which is measured in sq.m, is
Collapsible gates
Rolling shutters
Steel doors
Ventilators and glazing.
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

According to Indian Standards Institute, the actual size of modular bricks is
23 cm x 11.5 cm x 7.5 cm
25 cm x 13 cm x 7.5 cm
19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The unit of measurement is per quintal for the following:
Collapsible gates with rails
Rolling shutters
Expanded metal wire netting
M.S. reinforcement of R.C.C. works.
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The rate of an item of work depends on
Specifications of works
Specifications of materials
Proportion of mortar
Method of construction
All the above.
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The expected out turn of brick work in cement mortar in foundation and plinth per mason per day, is
1.00 m3
1.25 m3
1.50 m3
1.75 m3
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Correct Answer: Option

The cost of the earthwork in excavation for the surface drain of cross-section shown in the given figure for a total length of 5 metres @ Rs. 450% cum, is
Rs. 400
Rs. 425
Rs. 450
Rs. 500
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The value of 'B' of Indian type W.C. shown in the given figure is :
45 cm
50 cm
30 cm
25 cm
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Correct Answer: Option

The diameter of a domestic sewer pipe laid at gradient 1 in 100 is recommended
100 mm
150 mm
200 mm
175 mm
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the correct statement from the following:
If the bed level is above N.S.L. the canal is called fully in baking and the berms are designed as 3 d where d is full supply depth of water (F.S.D.)
Area of canal in cutting = BD + Sd2 where B = bed width, d = depth of cutting and S is the side slope
Area of the bank of canal = B1d1 + Sd2 where B1, d1 and S are the width of bank, height of the bank above N.S.L. and side slope respectively
If F.S.L. is above N.S.L the canal is called partly in cutting and partly in filling and berms are designed as 2d where d is full supply depth
All the above.
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10 cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is
500 m3
1000 m3
1500 m3
2000 m3
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Correct Answer: Option

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