Marriage is a social trap

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148 comments Page 13 of 15.

Jay said:   1 decade ago
I think marriage is a social trap. Today majority people get married just because of status. If they don't get satisfied after marriage they find different partner. It just deludes society. There are many cases where people do adopt live in approach. It's not necessary to impose "MARRIAGE" on two souls. Society should think on it as time changes.

I think marriage might have been created only for reproduction.

It's just waste of time, money and energy.

Uv gupta said:   1 decade ago
In my view point marriage is not a social trap because of both bride and groom wants privacy and they are also enjoying their life with love and commitment. In present era parents of both bride and groom are giving total privacy so that they are making as a good relation.

But when I look at poor and illiterate societies, due to their more importance to rituals and rigid customs, couple feel that they have been trapped in the name of marriage. They really want to end their marriage, but due to family pressures, they live entire life with sense of deception. In such case, marriage is really a social trap.

Marisham said:   1 decade ago
I completely believe that marriage is a social trap ! I would like to raise some questions, which I think most of you would agree! Why the person marry anybody in pressure for the sake of society in which we recite? What if the person does not want to have a soul mate and would love to spend his/her whole life for his/her parents? Why is there such a rule/custom made by our own society for d so called marriage concern? Why is a person considered dependent to lean upon somebody, he can also live independently on his own terms ?

'COMPROMISE', 'UNDERSTANDING', 'ADJUSTMENT' etc etc. Why to bring such complicated terms in our lives. We get life only once, I think people are born free and should have right to live and let live others free,

Marriage is a total waste of time, money and still in the worst case I can never see myself compromising each day of my life for anybody!

Rinku kumari said:   1 decade ago
In my opinion marriage is a social trap because there is lots of restrictions are imposed on bride. Her own life come to an end. Now she has to live for that family which is new her. She has to adjust with a new family. It become like trap for her. Since in laws family do not want to adjust according to bride. And those who says it is not a trap can become bride and experience the situation. Why only girl will adjust why not her husband and his family?

Aruna said:   1 decade ago
Marriage is a fantastic relationship. Family grow always sweet and smooth. But sometime problems will come automatically. Problems are main in our human life. It comes and go. Whatever we need a good relationship to husband and wife. So many marriage stories in our world. Marriage is only understanding two hearts. It hearts root clear life is so clear to travel in life long.

Merin said:   1 decade ago
Marriage is where two souls unite, two families unite, two cultures and traditions unite. It is a sign of agreement that the two stays together no matter what consequences arise between them.

But, things change when dowry, earnings and job come into action.

Radhakrishna said:   1 decade ago
In my view marriage is all about sharing each others experiences, joys, happiness and even sorrows, pain and difficulties. But anyone in this relationship shows indifference or neglects or stop sharing the experiences of their partner then there are chances that the partner feels trapped in marriage. Marriage is all about give and take. As long as you respect others feelings and emotions the journey will be smoother else it will be rough and both feel they are trapped.

Party marty said:   1 decade ago
If you are with the right person, it is not a trap at all. Its a freedom. If you with the wrong person, then it can be a trap. Just remember, "a happy wife is a happy life" Keep your woman happy, gentlemen. Its less important to be "right" than it is to keep peace.

Kavita said:   1 decade ago
Marriage is not a social trap because marriage is a part of our life and its just like second innings of your life. Marriage completes our life. If there is understanding, caring, love between 2 people then no one can say marriage is a social trap.

Sumit said:   1 decade ago
According to me marriage is not a social trap, it is social bonding between two family and their culture. If person is unable adapt these things, it become social trap for them. So marriage is not social trap our understanding make it. So it up to us how we look after it make a balance with it. I believe that if we are able to make a proper between the family it is world wonderful thing because it will stay with you till your death.

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