Mechanical Engineering - Production Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Production Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
If the diameter of the hole is subject to considerable variation, then for locating in jigs and fixtures, the pressure type of locator used is
13 comments Page 1 of 2.
Rahul said:
1 decade ago
Conical locator shape in triangle in round shape as diameter variation locating adjustable in the hole.
Jiauddin said:
1 decade ago
The diameter of a Conical locator is gradually decrease towards the bottom side so it is easy to fix an object in considerable variation.
Dilute said:
1 decade ago
The conical locator has a wide range of variation in diameter which can be held on so for this case it is suitable.
Krushna.phuke said:
1 decade ago
Conical locator is locate the proffer.
Rahul sharma said:
10 years ago
Conical pins provides line contact and recommended for work pieces with varying hole size.
Sanjeev said:
9 years ago
Conical locators are used TP center work piece and are used for rough bore location.
Onkar said:
8 years ago
What is the difference between conical and diamond locator?
Why diamond locator not use? I think it's also usable in this situation.
Why diamond locator not use? I think it's also usable in this situation.
Gokul said:
8 years ago
Why Diamond locator cannot be used? Please explain it.
Vikash Sindhania said:
7 years ago
Diamond is also a hard material and good strength but at any situation it breaks then it become too costly to purchase. As compared to another tool.
Narri said:
7 years ago
Why vee locator doesn't used, can anyone explain?
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