Logical Reasoning - Statement and Assumption

Directions to Solve

In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.


Statement: "If you are a mechanical engineer, we want you as our supervisor." - An advertisement by Company X.


  1. Mechanical engineers are expected to be better performers by Company X.
  2. The Company X needs supervisors.
  3. Mechanical engineers may get attracted and apply to Company X.

Only I and II are implicit
Only II and III are implicit
Only I and III are implicit
All are implicit
None of these
Answer: Option
Clearly, the company lends more importance to mechanical engineers. This shows that they are believed to perform better. So, I is implicit. Also, the advertisement is given because the company needs supervisors. So, II is implicit. Further, the advertisement is meant to attract only mechanical engineers for the vacancy in company X. Hence, III is also implicit.


Statement: "Use Riya cold cream for fair complexion." - An advertisement.


  1. People like to use cream for fair complexion.
  2. People are easily fooled.
  3. People respond to advertisements.

Only I is implicit
Only I and II are implicit
Only II is implicit
Only I and III are implicit
None of these
Answer: Option
Assumption I follows from the statement and so it is implicit. II is vague and so it is not implicit. Also, advertisements are given with the hope that people would know the qualities of the product and buy it. So, III is implicit.


Statement: Quality of life of a person is not dependent only on his wealth.


  1. The aim of most people is just to acquire more wealth.
  2. There are some factors other than wealth which contribute to the quality of life.
  3. Wealth does not contribute to the quality of life at all.

Only I is implicit
Only I and II are implicit
Only II is implicit
Only II and III are implicit
Only I and III are implicit
Answer: Option
Clearly, I does not follow from the statement. So, it is not implicit. The statement mentions that quality of life does not depend only on wealth. This means that there are some other factors as well, which govern the quality of life. But this does not imply that wealth does not contribute at all. So, II is implicit while III is not.


Statement: The civic authority has decided that all the factories located inside the city limits be shifted outside to reduce the level of environmental pollution in the city.


  1. The pollution level in the city in future may reduce after these factories are shifted outside the city limit.
  2. Enough usable land is available outside the city limit for these factories.
  3. Many of these factories may shift to some other smaller towns to remain profitable.

Only I is implicit
Only I and II are implicit
Only II is implicit
Only II and III are implicit
None of these
Answer: Option
I directly follows from the statement and so is implicit. The decision to shift factories on the outskirts of the city must have been taken after taking into account the availability of land there So, II is implicit. Nothing can be assumed as to what strategy would the factory owners adopt in future. So, III is not implicit.


Statement: State Council For Teacher Education (SCTE) has laid down guidelines in respect of minimum qualifications for a person to be employed as a teacher in universities or in recognised institutions.


  1. The authorities will now appoint only qualified teachers.
  2. Only qualified people will apply for the teaching post.
  3. SCTE decides all the norms of educational qualifications for teaching faculty.

None is implicit
Only I is implicit
Only I and II are implicit
Only I and III are implicit
All are implicit
Answer: Option
Since the SCTE has laid down the necessary qualifications for a person to be employed as a teacher in all universities and institutions, so all are implicit.