Logical Reasoning - Statement and Assumption
In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.
Statement: Let us increase the taxes to cover the deficit.
- The present taxes are very low.
- Deficit in a budget is not desirable.
- If the taxes are not increased, the deficit cannot be met.
Statement: "We must introduce objective type tests to improve our examinations for admission to MBA." - The Chairman of the Admission Committee tells the Committee.
- The admission at present is directly through the interview.
- The Admission Committee is desirous of improving the admission examinations.
- The Chairman himself is an MBA.
Statement: Use 'X' brand shoes. These are durable and available in all sizes. - An advertisement in the newspaper A.
- Normally people like durable shoes.
- Very few people read advertisement in a newspaper.
- Very few people read the newspaper A.
Statement: The State Government has unilaterally increased by five percent octroi on all commodities entering into the state without seeking approval of the Central Government.
- The State Government may be able to implement its decision.
- The Central Government may agree to support the State Government's decision.
- The State Government may be able to earn considerable amount through the additional octroi.
Statement: In the recently held All India Commerce Conference the session on 'Management of Service Sector in India' surprisingly attracted large number of participants and also received a very good media coverage in the leading newspapers.
- People were not expecting such an encouraging response for service sector.
- Service sector is not managed properly in India.
- Media is always very positive towards service sector.