Impact of Technology on Jobs

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318 comments Page 1 of 32.

Alankar Tare said:   6 years ago
As we are living in 21th century and new technology is coming day by day but it has there own merits and demerits in getting the job:

1. Reduction in Cost of labour.
2. Time-consuming.
3. Error happening in the industry is less.
4. Economy growth.

1. Due to the increase in automatic machines unemployment is increasing.
2. Dependency on machines are blindly following by organization.
3. Less chances of getting jobs in any era.

Sowmalya Sengupta said:   6 years ago
Good morning to all.

In my point of view, jobs and technology are related to each other by means of widespread networking. With the growth and development of technology widespread, people can connect with each other and this enlights people to access through the immense variety of jobs provided in the computer online by a series of networking enhancement. Also, the job seekers can prepare and upgrade themselves through the various modes of digital reading, e-books provided with the upliment of technology and technical inventions.

Abhinash said:   6 years ago
Technology makes our life more easier.

Job makes us dependency on technology.

Ex- suppose anybody works in IT company, for that need laptop etc. It means that person work for company and system work for that person.

Raj Singh said:   6 years ago
Hey, My name is Raj Singh.

As we are discussing in impact of technology on jobs. So as my one of above friend said that we are living in 21st century and every days he got a news that new technology has been discover or created by someone. So its good to hear that we have one more technology and we can use the benefits of this technology in our work. But when we use technology in at work than many or 30% people loss the own jobs just because of every Company wants to use technology in his works because as per the technology it will be smoothly instead of human works. As all know this thing but if everywhere technology will use than most of the people will loss the own jobs and it will be major issues in future as we want to use technology also in our life and its good to use this because having or its grow the daily knowledge buts as of my point of view technology will impact the jobs on high basis. For example: if TATA uses a technology to make a car at the time 25 people make this after technology use only 2 people will use so what about the rest people they have lost the job and they are jobless which is not good for our future.


Jagdish Bhaliya said:   6 years ago
Hello friends.

In my opinion, nowadays the development of technology is increased and so many different technologies are coming into the market. And as per my knowledge some time ago US gives India STA- 1 status that means 'strategic trade Authorisation' that India is able to buy high advanced and cutting edge sensitive technology from America.

Therefore by using this high technology, there is no need of human being into the factory or company it means that requirement of manpower is reduced therefore unemployment increases. That's why we are able to tell that technologies are impact vary hardly on jobs.

Meghna Patidar said:   6 years ago
Hello friends,

I want to share my opinion by adding some more points that I am neutral on the motion because we know that everything has its pros and cons.


* It helps us to do things easily.
* It helps to promote digitalisation.
* It reduces workload.
* Reduces travelling, as in earlier times if a firm has two different branches then it becomes difficult for the employees to communicate with other ones.


* Reduces employment.
* Demotivates the employees who do not how to use technology.

In last I would like to conclude that we should use both capitalistic and socialistic according to needs and wants.

Rakesh said:   6 years ago
Everybody needs technology. While many have said technology will better/worsen work-life, I believe that it is with the type of technology that has an effect/affect on jobs. We constantly need technology to make easy our day to day work life. We need technology in creating, maintaining and improving laptops, computers, applications, softwares to fasten our worklife.

At the same time, being labour intensive, we must keep check on technology that replaces human involvement so as no to cause unemployment.

Mayank said:   6 years ago
Hello friends.

In my opinion technology has created new jobs in every field and will always create jobs in future for example employment in IT sector, Employment in automobile sector, Employment in civil, Managementand more.

All these sector have employment only due to Technology evolution with time.

Now talking of AI (artificial intelligence) yes this can create unemployment but what about its future, its merits. AI is going to be the future and definately it will create employment on a very large scale.

Like engineering has lot of technical job at present, in future AI will also provide great job opportunities.

Think how internet has created jobs, internet is also a technology, and it has changed our life, Mass media technology is related to internet provides employment.

Think of how Railway technology, Aeronautical technology has created huge amount of jobs, this is only because of science knowledge which was used practically what we call as technology.

For one second think of diary technology, space technology, weapon technology and more all these creates employment.

Even before industrial evolution (1720-1840) people have negative opinion about it that it will create unemployment but reality is in front of us today.

Sanu raj said:   6 years ago
Technology leads automatization in industries. Its harsh impact is as it is responsible for the removal of the large strength of employs. The work which was done by the human in past years, now done by robots. As passes of time, the population is increasing at the vast rate at same time, employment is also reducing. It may add more in GDP, but fail to give the opportunity of work.

Mayank said:   6 years ago
Hello friends.

In my opinion, technology has created new jobs in every field and will always create jobs in future for example employment in IT sector, Employment in the automobile sector, Employment in civil, Management and more.

All these sectors have employment only due to technology evolution with time.

Now talking of AI (artificial intelligence) yes this can create unemployment but what about its future, its merits. AI is going to be the future and definitely, it will create employment on a very large scale.

Like engineering has a lot of technical job at present, in future AI will also provide great job opportunities.

Think how the internet has created jobs, the internet is also a technology, and it has changed our life, Mass media technology is related to internet provides employment.

Think of how Railway technology, Aeronautical technology has created a huge amount of jobs, this is only because of scientific knowledge which was used practically what we call as technology.

For one second think of dairy technology, space technology, weapon technology and more all these create employment.

Even before industrial evolution (1720-1840) people have a negative opinion about it that it will create unemployment but reality is in front of us today.

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