Online Civil Engineering Test - Steel Structure Design Test


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The distance between e.g. of compression and e.g. of tension flanges of a plate girder, is known as
overall depth
clear depth
effective depth
none of these.
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Correct Answer: Option

The failure of a web plate takes place by yielding if the ratio of the clear depth to thickness of the web, is less than
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Correct Answer: Option

The cross-section of a standard fillet is a triangle whose base angles are
45° and 45°
30° and 60°
40° and 50°
20° and 70°
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Correct Answer: Option

For the steel member exposed to weather and accessible for repainting, the thickness of steel should not be less than (excepting the webs of Indian Standard rolled steel joists and channels).
4 mm
6 mm
8 mm
10 mm
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Correct Answer: Option

The effective length of a compression member of length L held in position and restrained in direction at one end and effectively restrained in direction but not held in position at the other end, is
0.67 L
0.85 L
1.5 L
2 L
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The minimum edge distance of a rivet line connecting two or more plates, is kept equal to 37 mm plus (where t is the thickness in mm of the thinner outside plate).
2 t
4 t
6 t
8 t
10 t
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Correct Answer: Option

The most commonly used sections in lateral system to carry shear force in built up columns, are
rolled steel flats
rolled angles
rolled channels
all the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

In a grillage column footing maximum bending moment M occurs at the centre of grillage beams. Its value is (where P, L and a are axial load, length of the beam and length of the column base respectively).
M = P(L - a)
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In a member subjected to an axial tensile force and bending moment, the maximum allowable stress in axial tension is ft and the maximum allowable bending stress in tension is fht. If ft and fht are their corresponding actual axial tensile and bending stresses, the relationship which holds goods is
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Correct Answer: Option

The permissible bearing stress in steel, is
1500 kg/cm2
1890 kg/cm2
2025 kg/cm2
2340 kg/cm2
2250 kg/cm2
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Correct Answer: Option

The bending moment for filler joists at the middle of at intermediate span, is
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Correct Answer: Option

Effective sectional area of a compression member is :
gross sectional area - area of rivet hole
gross sectional ares + area of rivet hole
gross sectional ares x area of rivet hole
gross sectional ares + area of rivet hole.
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Correct Answer: Option

For a steel member of slenderness ratio 350, the allowable stress is 76 kg/cm2 if it is
HTW grade of thickness exceeding 32 mm
HT grade of thickness exceeding 45 mm
HT grade of thickness not exceeding 45 mm
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

Effective length of a column effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in direction at one end, is
0.67 L
0.85 L
1.5 L
2 L
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Correct Answer: Option

The size of a butt weld is specified by the effective throat thickness which in the case of incomplete penetration, is taken as
of the thickness of thicker part
of the thickness of thicker part
of the thickness of thinner part
of the thickness of thinner part
none of these.
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Correct Answer: Option

The strength of ISA 125 = 75 x 10 mm used as a tie member with its longer leg connected at the ends by 27 mm diameter rivets, is
26,000 kg
26,025 kg
26,050 kg
26,075 kg
27,000 kg
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Correct Answer: Option

The stress in the wall of a thin cylinder subjected to internal pressure, is
hoop compression
torsional shear
hoop tension.
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Correct Answer: Option

In factory buildings, the horizontal beams spanning between the wall columns supporting a wall covering, are called
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Correct Answer: Option

With usual notations of the letters, the shear stress fs at any point of the cross-section is given by
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Correct Answer: Option

Rise of a Jack arch is kept about
1/2 to 1/3 of the span
1/3 to 1/4 of the span
1/4 to 1/8 of the span
1/8 to 1/12 of the span.
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Correct Answer: Option

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