Mechanical Engineering - Production Engineering - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Production Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Segmental chips are formed during machining
mild steel
cast iron
high speed steel
high carbon steel
Answer: Option
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Divya said:   9 years ago
Segmental chips mean chips become broken pieces before it departs from the cutter. It is often happened in high brittle materials, such as cast iron or bronze.

Because the chip forms then are broken off promptly, which won't have pressure on the tool surface, the remainder of the irregular surface, it's easy to be cut, so it can get a more flat surface.

And lower the pressure of the tool surface, less wear happened, so the tool life is longer. Such as discontinuous chip caused by higher friction coefficient or higher soft ductile materials, it means poor cutting conditions.

Garima said:   9 years ago
Segmented chips are semi-continuous chips with zones of flow and high shear strain and metal with low thermal conductivity and strength that decreases sharply with temperature.

Eg. Titanium Chips have a sawtooth-like appearance.

Babar said:   9 years ago
Segments mean smaller pieces. As in ductile material this condition is obtained only at very high speeds (because due to more heat the chips get attracted to the tool). Hence, the correct answer is cast iron.

Jay kumar dwivedi said:   9 years ago
Segmental chip are formed due to property of cast iron because cast iron content carbon 2.1% to 6.667% so high percentage of carbon its hardness or brittleness increases and segmental chip formed.

DEEPAK said:   9 years ago
During machining, the brittle materials lack its density which is necessary for plastic chip formation. But, it should be less. This will result in formation of discontinuous chip or segmental chip.

Bikash said:   9 years ago
Due to highest amount of carbon content the structure becomes brittle so cast iron gives discontinuous or segment chips.

Ashu j said:   9 years ago
Segmented chips are nothing but discontinuous chips which are formed by the brittle material during machining, among the options the most favoured option is cast iron which is brittle material.

Maggiee said:   9 years ago
For Brittle material segmented chips are formed during machining.

Eg. Cast iron.

Alene said:   9 years ago
Brittle material machining chip is called segmental chip. So cast iron brittle material.

Dharmendra K. Nivariya said:   10 years ago
Cast iron is a brittle material so segmental chips are formed during machining.

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