Mechanical Engineering - Production Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Production Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Segmental chips are formed during machining
59 comments Page 1 of 6.
Mohit sharma said:
5 years ago
It is a form when machining of brittle material like cast iron, brass etc. With slow cutting speed. Chips cut into small segment during cutting. This is formed during slow cutting speed with a small rack angle.
Sarvesh Kumar said:
6 years ago
Cast iron is a brittle and hard material. So very small parts or segmental form of chips are crated during machining of cast iron.
Pandu said:
6 years ago
Cast iron is not a brittle material, it is a harder material.
Naveen said:
6 years ago
It is Due the presence of carbon.
Nithya Nith said:
6 years ago
Segmental means discontinuous, breked chips are formed during machining, cast iron is brittle material so it formed segmental chips.
Kunjan Modi said:
6 years ago
From Fe3C diagram we know that in all types of steels the carbon is up to 2% and from 2% to 6. 6% carbon content is found in cast iron. So if the carbon % is more then the brittleness of the substance will be more and the more brittle material will have more tendency to generate segmental chips during machining.
Md Nadeem Khan said:
7 years ago
Brittle material is stronger in compression and weak in tension.
Anand babu k said:
7 years ago
Segmental chips is known as discontinuous chips. Therefore discontinuous chips are formed during the machining of brittle materials like cast iron.
Narendra said:
7 years ago
Anyone give details of high carbon steel.
KUMAR LK said:
7 years ago
It can resist compressive loads, the chips are discontinuous or segmented because it is mixed graphite. So the chips are discontinuous.
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