Mechanical Engineering - IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants - Discussion
Discussion Forum : IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants - Section 1 (Q.No. 4)
In hit and miss governing, the fuel supply is cut-off completely during one or more number of cycles.
17 comments Page 1 of 2.
Shark said:
3 years ago
How? Explain please.
Rajesh said:
6 years ago
Good Explanation. Thanks all.
Ujjawal aggarwal said:
6 years ago
"Hit" and "Miss" is the condition of the governor when the sleeve of the governor is moving on its extreme positions (up and down). This is known as "hit and miss" governing.
Manu said:
7 years ago
Nice explanation, Thanks.
Lucky said:
8 years ago
A hit-and-miss engine is a type of four-stroke internal combustion engine that is controlled by a governor to operate a set speed. It was conceived in the late 19th century and produced by various companies from the 1890s through approximately the 1940s.
S.Mahaboob Basha said:
8 years ago
What are their no of cycles in hit and miss governing?
Ramesh said:
8 years ago
How it works?
Rahul said:
8 years ago
Centrifugal governor helps in governing the fuel.
Jaimin said:
9 years ago
Centrifugal governor is used for cut off and supply fuel and this will happen by striker and steel rod.
If load on engine is increase then this governor increase the fuel supply and maintain constant speed of engine.
If load on engine is increase then this governor increase the fuel supply and maintain constant speed of engine.
Prassanna said:
9 years ago
If it controls the speed why cycles are involved in it?
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