Logical Reasoning - Course of Action
- Course of Action - Section 1
- Course of Action - Section 2
- Course of Action - Section 3
In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.
Give answer
- (A) If only I follows
- (B) If only II follows
- (C) If either I or II follows
- (D) If neither I nor II follows
- (E) If both I and II follow.
Statement: On an average, about twenty people are run over by trains and die every day while crossing the railway tracks through the level crossing.
Courses of Action:
- The railway authorities should be instructed to close all the level crossings.
- Those who are found crossing the tracks, when the gates are closed, should be fined heavily
Statement: Majority of the students in many schools do not pass in the final examination.
Courses of Action:
- These schools should be closed down as these have become unproductive.
- The teachers of these schools should immediately be retrenched.
Statement: In spite of the Principal's repeated warnings, a child was caught exploding crackers secretly in the school.
Courses of Action:
- All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.
- The child should be severely punished for his wrong act.
Statement: It is necessary to adopt suitable measures to prevent repetition of bad debts by learning from the past experiences of mounting non-performing assets of banks.
Courses of Action:
- Before granting loan to customers their eligibility for loan should be evaluated strictly.
- To ensure the payment of instalments of loan, the work, for which loan was granted, should be supervised minutely on regular basis.
Statement: A very large number of students have failed in the final high school examination due to faulty questions in one of the subjects.
Courses of Action:
- All the students who have failed in the subject should be allowed to take supplementary examination.
- All those who are responsible for the error should be suspended and an enquiry should be initiated to find out the facts.