Logical Reasoning - Analyzing Arguments
Exercise : Analyzing Arguments - Type 5
Directions to Solve
Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:
Giving children computers in grade school is a waste of money and teachers time. These children are too young to learn how to use computers effectively and need to spend time on learning the basics, like arithmetic and reading. After all, a baby has to crawl before she can walk.
Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the speaker's argument?
Answer: Option
This evidence would back up the speaker's contention that young students should learn the basics before learning computers. Choices a and d, which are both about cost, would have no effect on the argument. Choices b and c are too vague.
Which of the following, if true, would weaken the speaker's argument?
Answer: Option
If computers enhance the learning of arithmetic and reading, the speaker's argument is not as strong.
Which of the following methods of argument is used in the previous passage?
Answer: Option
The speaker uses analogies to compare crawling with learning arithmetic and reading and to compare walking with using a computer. The speaker is making the point that, in both cases, a child needs to learn one before learning the other.
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