Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
Points to remember before you answer this interview question:
- Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
- Kindly answer this question as best you can.
- Post your answer now.
87 posts Page 1 of 9.
Ranjan said:
1 decade ago
With Due Respect,
I want to tell you that, I never thought of looking back and doing things differently. Past is History and Future is full of Mystery. Present is the best time to do things in a positive way.
I want to tell you that, I never thought of looking back and doing things differently. Past is History and Future is full of Mystery. Present is the best time to do things in a positive way.
5 years ago
By looking at our past, I had done lot of mistakes but at the same time try to learn from that mistake and always look forward in my life good experience and bad experience both are equally important because in my point of view, good experience give us happiness and at the same time bad experience give us learning.
ADITI said:
1 decade ago
Our past is something which cannot be changed anymore. Ups and downs are part of life which help us keep going. I can only learn through past and try to avoid the same mistakes in future.
Anamika said:
9 years ago
Sir, if today I am sitting in front of you then its just because of all the challenges and hardships I faced in my life in past, so I have been positive about my past and also positive for my future.
Kajal said:
7 years ago
Everything that happens in our life has a cause be it good or bad. What is done is done. I would not change anything because good things have always encouraged me to do more good and my mistakes and failures have helped me improve myself.
Imran Abbasi said:
1 decade ago
Past is History, Future is Mystery and Present is gift of God that why we call it PRESENT. So be focus on your Present.
Rita Salekar said:
9 years ago
Looking back won't give me chance to change my past but it will surely help me to change my present and future as we can learn from the past mistakes and can implement it for better results in today and tomorrow.
Dona said:
8 years ago
Mother Teresa has perfectly said, "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin". So I also want to follow the same in both my personal and professional life and just keep going and growing. Whatever mistakes I have done, failures I have faced showed me the right path and I just want to follow that.
8 years ago
Mother Teresa had perfectly said, "Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow has not yet come, we have only Today, let us begin". So I will also follow the same in both my personal and professional life and I want to just keep going and growing, whatever mistakes I have done, failures I have faced showed me the right path and I just want to follow that.
Sneha said:
7 years ago
I believe living in present and enjoy current moments because I can't erase my past and rewrite it. So I can gain experience to build myself.
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