Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?

HR Interview
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  • Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
  • Kindly answer this question as best you can.
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87 posts Page 1 of 9.

N.Mohammed Owais said:   9 years ago
Hi this is Mohammed Owais.

Well, looking back my life I have seen may thing which tough me to be patient till we get whatever we want for our life. And it tough me more to improve myself in a good way. I had many failure but I had took them as my success steps. Good thing never come soon it will come as it way only we must wait with more patient and should keep trying for till we get it. Surly we would get what we want it won't go anywhere it is waiting to come to you at a good time. Now I have confident on me and my hope.

So I would give my best which will help to improve the company into much more good than now. Of course it will help to build my career. It better one this Mohammed we life paradise I just put error noticed improve your life.

Alishba said:   9 years ago
Looking back and regretting is a futile task.

Instead of looking and thinking that I should have done this or that thing in a different manner, I would analyze the situation, my response to the situation and learn from that. If a mistake is done, it can't be reversed so any point regretting it. Rather I'll learn from it and make sure never to repeat it.

Moreover, I think that mistakes and failures are not the ends, rather they are stepping stones towards success.

And the thing is that when I look back, I am fully satisfied with whatever right or wrong things I did in my past because this past has made me what I am today.

Abhishek rathore said:   6 years ago
If somehow I become lucky to get a chance to do something differently. I would change the pattern I have followed while pursuing schooling as I was not aware of the available opportunities that point of time. Instead of following the traditional way of being a graduate I would rather set a gaol and have followed the path that leads to the goal. This way I think might have already achieved the milestones that are yet to be achieved and likely to take around 3-4 years from now.

Priyanka rajput said:   1 decade ago
Past is something that had happened and future is one which we are going to make happen, so the only thing we can learn from the past are d mistakes and can implement on them. Ast is the history and present is full of mystery. So we have to focus on present by taking care of past mistakes. So I want to make my future by better utilizing my present.

Parameswar dash said:   1 year ago
As of now, I have made many mistakes but I believe in one line which my father usually tells me "Always learn from the mistakes" that I am following I am always learning from my mistakes and I always think about which part of the mistakes that I could be fix and how could I execute it in future with my positive attitude and critical thinking.

Anu said:   10 years ago
I do not want to change anything did in my future, because success and failures are part of our life. My each success gave me self confident, and my each failure gave me an experience that what I should not do in my present and future. So to architect my present and future in best way, my past is important. So I do not want change anything.

SHABBIR PASHA said:   8 years ago
Mother Teresa had perfectly said, "Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow has not yet come, we have only Today, let us begin". So I will also follow the same in both my personal and professional life and I want to just keep going and growing, whatever mistakes I have done, failures I have faced showed me the right path and I just want to follow that.

Parvathi said:   1 decade ago
I believe in present because in courses of time it becomes our past. Future also depends upon your present activity. If we live in present with proper planning, approach of destination our past and future is good. No matter how hard it is but ultimately we get experience, which we get definite idea which to avoid or not and what to do.

Dona said:   8 years ago
Mother Teresa has perfectly said, "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin". So I also want to follow the same in both my personal and professional life and just keep going and growing. Whatever mistakes I have done, failures I have faced showed me the right path and I just want to follow that.

Vijay Rana said:   8 years ago
Mother Teresa has perfectly said, "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin". So I also want to follow the same in both my personal and professional life and just keep going and growing. Whatever mistakes I have done, failures I have faced showed me the right path and I just want to follow that.

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