With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia, Censorship is the Need of the Hour

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33 comments Page 1 of 4.

Patel Nikunj said:   1 decade ago
Information is the new power.

This a very interesting topic as we know importance of media technology in growth, creating awareness, sharing information but still it has many limitations.

Major components of media includes Television, Radio, News-paper, Magazines, Internet websites. Now let's begin with;.

Television: What you see is what you learn. Television media which shows materials can sometimes be misleading. Electronic Media like television gets most of the profit from advertisements, so filtration of information in advertisements is less. Some of the News channels broadcasts the shows which share unimportant information. After getting raw information they add some, make up some and will show the information that pleases audience in order to increase number of views. Some of the Channels broadcasts reality shows in which judges don't have the control over their language. These materials should be censored.

News-paper and Magazines: News-papers turning biased to earn more profit should be banned from publishing or should be forced to remove those contents.

Internet-based sites: Most of the Internet sites nowadays contains so many advertisements and surveys that it is impossible to actually carry out the work which the site is intended to provide which results in huge loss of time and resources. Some of the Social networking sites provides live stream of continuous unimportant information. These information requires censorship.

VIPUL VAIBHAV OF VARANASI said:   1 decade ago
Even with technology at its peak in the modern era worldwide it is not possible to censor selectively a part of the program being telecasted and leave the other. What needs to be done is to have a common voting between the younger generation and their parents about the possible goods and also ill-effects of foreign channels. On one hand, channels like Discovery, Animal Planet, Star Sports, etc. provide us with the knowledge and entertainment not ever imparted by an Indian channel while on the other hand there are counter-parts like Fashion TV (still can be knowledgeable for fashion freaks) which are quite bad for kids in their developing age. I think the major topic for discussion should be the right age limit for viewing adult content as otherwise children ride onto such stuff at a much earlier age.

So, a common forum should be set up between youngsters and elders on what to watch and at what age. Also, some relaxations should be given to the children. As otherwise, you know what happens (Anxiety Kills The CAT). This thing should always be kept in view. Rest aside, children should be let free to exercise and criticized in a very mild way so as not to let them feel that they are being pulled down or something like that. What I wish to convey here is that stop the children in the best manner possible and do not pressurize them at any stage as that can lead to more damage only.

I am done. Thanks a lot.

Suvigya lal said:   1 decade ago
Even with technology at its peak in the modern era worldwide it is not possible to censor selectively a part of the program being telecasted and leave the other. What needs to be done is to have a common voting between the younger generation and their parents about the possible goods and also ill-effects of foreign channels. On one hand, channels like Discovery, Animal Planet, Star Sports, etc. Provide us with the knowledge and entertainment not ever imparted by an Indian channel while on the other hand there are counter-parts like Fashion TV (still can be knowledgeable for fashion freaks) which are quite bad for kids in their developing age. I think the major topic for discussion should be the right age limit for viewing adult content as otherwise children ride onto such stuff at a much earlier age. So, a common forum should be set up between youngsters and elders on what to watch and at what age. Also, some relaxations should be given to the children. As otherwise, you know what happens (Anxiety Kills The CAT). This thing should always be kept in view. Rest aside, children should be let free to exercise and criticized in a very mild way so as not to let them feel that they are being pulled down or something like that. What I wish to convey here is that stop the children in the best manner possible and do not pressurize them at any stage as that can lead to more damage only.

I am done. Thanks a lot.

Preeti said:   1 decade ago
I think media is special tool is creating massive awareness regarding certain incident. It can help many poor people get a helping hand if their story is presented in newspaper and it happens. Media can help in curbing social evils existing in our society but political issues are also important. When it comes to reporting about political issues media has its limit. Sometimes under pressure only half truth is shown due to which people do not got to know real truth of ongoing politics whether negative or positive.

Media persons can carry out sting operation on certain people to know their real face take example of Indian player sreesanth. Sometimes media person get so desperate to cover certain news that they don't think about the family of accused person even if his/her involvement in crime has not been proved and try to get details about family when family is not the one who has committed that crime. That is also true media do not give importance to news that is a real news but to some stupid event and keep on displaying it and at certain point you will see that news being flashed as headlines in all new channels. So really censorship is important for media.

Anuradha said:   1 decade ago
As we know media plays an important role in the well fare of the country. But it is not the case always. Sometimes it is seen that media is covering some baseless issues rather than going to the actual and valuable news. For example, instead of covering the current news of the city, some media covers the marriage ceremony of celebrity.

In India, one point should be noted that the media always keeps the sad news in the front line and all the inspiration to the back or in some portion of the middle pages. I don't know if it is due to the public interest or it is due to the trend going on. Sometime, it is more than surprise that some media reporting some unusual news as breaking news which is no important and should be in the fun category.

I do understand that media is having some important role to improvise the society and the life style of the people, but it would be better if media has to be revised.

Best wishes for better life.

Deepti said:   1 decade ago
In my opinion, censorship is the need of the hour as the media is busy in telecasting and publishing useless matter. Some points to support my view are:.

1. Important issues are given less importance and trivial issues like celebrities marriage, celebrities lifestyle etc are being telecasted. Newspaper is also filled with rubbish, like minister having an affair, actress giving birth to a baby. These news are on front page and the news of national importance is hidden on inside pages.

2. Todays media is getting corrupt and is thus deviating from its original objective of telecasting and publishing truth, in place its showing the news in the favour of a person or organisation, which is bribing them.

3. Its publishing and telecasting the news with its own "add ons " to it, in order to make it more attractive.

Abhishek said:   1 decade ago
Yes, Variation lead to a reputation in oneself trust. So if we hear something with variable meanings, we too will be in conflict about which is right and which is wrong.

The definition of Newspaper is a paper that will increase your knowledge and give information about what is going on in this world, country, or etc.

I remembered the news paper was developed to make people to defeat a cruel British, by making peoples in a light about cruelty. But today, apart from gaining we are losing trust of same peoples, then how they will defeat a issues like Polls, Corruption.

So the news paper should be scrutinized by Govt of India for the purpose of believing oneself trust, and not to rupture the Information contained in the News.

With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour.

Krishno said:   1 decade ago
Well my dear friends It is a burning question that the increasing power of media in India is leading towards the need of censorship or not. I believe they need not be censored. Media has a great importance in a huge democracy like India. Media is the only reason why 2g scams, cwg scams, and all different kind of scams are coming out.

Media is the only reason why now each and every Indian knows about the switzbank money story. Powerful peoples like Sanjay Dutt, Subrata Roy are in jail because of media only. It is true some time for TRP media shows us some un imp things or some time the show a very normal thing in a different way, but before their contribution these are minor. To run our govt in the right path media's contribution is most, so for no reason we should tie up the feet of media.

Vartika said:   8 years ago
Censorship nowadays has gained a lot of criticism, be it in the case of passing the movie Udta Punjab with 82 cuts or leaking the clip of the same online which is the resultant to piracy.

Yes, Media should be careful how actually it is projecting its views in front of the public as majority of the population of India constitutes kids. Every time I log in to my facebook account I get to see the words like caught in this, wardrobe malfunction, etc. This should be stopped as it creates a bad impression of what media is trying to exaggerate.

Censorship should be applied where there is really a relevant cause and when the information is too sensitive to be passed on not when we deserve to know the information and it gets chopped off.

Uttara said:   7 years ago
Hello, everyone. This is Uttara.

Well, the job of media is portraying the true picture of the society it depicts the day to day happenings in our country. If in media murder rape cheating communal violence is being shown that is because it is happening in some parts of our country and putting media under censorship is like violating freedom of speech and expression for these media houses. If we feel the need to censor any material that means we are getting away from the practical world and living in a utopian society which is not right. So we should not censor the contents on media unless it is harming our national security rather we must try to change the true picture of our society. Thank you.

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