With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia, Censorship is the Need of the Hour

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33 comments Page 1 of 4.

Uttara said:   7 years ago
Hello, everyone. This is Uttara.

Well, the job of media is portraying the true picture of the society it depicts the day to day happenings in our country. If in media murder rape cheating communal violence is being shown that is because it is happening in some parts of our country and putting media under censorship is like violating freedom of speech and expression for these media houses. If we feel the need to censor any material that means we are getting away from the practical world and living in a utopian society which is not right. So we should not censor the contents on media unless it is harming our national security rather we must try to change the true picture of our society. Thank you.

Vartika said:   8 years ago
Censorship nowadays has gained a lot of criticism, be it in the case of passing the movie Udta Punjab with 82 cuts or leaking the clip of the same online which is the resultant to piracy.

Yes, Media should be careful how actually it is projecting its views in front of the public as majority of the population of India constitutes kids. Every time I log in to my facebook account I get to see the words like caught in this, wardrobe malfunction, etc. This should be stopped as it creates a bad impression of what media is trying to exaggerate.

Censorship should be applied where there is really a relevant cause and when the information is too sensitive to be passed on not when we deserve to know the information and it gets chopped off.

Saravanakumar said:   9 years ago
I do not understand this all information anybody please what's meaning and practical of mass media.

Akash deshmukh said:   9 years ago
Your life without media is like a lamp without oil. It is source of information and knowledge, it plays viral role in our life.

Srinu said:   9 years ago
Yes media play major role in our society, it gives the more knowledge to every person in the same time some it give bad messages also.

Shane said:   1 decade ago
As we talk about whether should journalism out of the reach of premise of censorship or not. First we may have to consider some facts that in a democratic country like India we can not black out media because media tells us what the happening around us.

And if we put censorship on journalism then it will be the violation of right of expression. But on some sensitive issues like communal riots, national security, sexually content, we have to limit freedom of journalism by putting censorship.

Thus we came on the conclusion that we have to limit the freedom of journalism by only putting censorship on some issues like sensitive and national security.


Rajkumar said:   1 decade ago
Media is technology. It used to share different information to others. If you open any shop like book center, medical shop you want to publish to others by using media.

RAM said:   1 decade ago
Media is like part and parcel in today's generation which is only the unbiased industry which covers the news from entire field. There is need of censorship in some cases where inappropriate words songs movies are shown and promoted.

Movies with right cause and good motivation should be more emphasized. And the most important part that should be censored is the shows of different culprits baba's and their devotees because only the media who is more keen to show the deceitful programs regarding religion.

Aashi Ald said:   1 decade ago
Media has a great importance in development of any country. I gain knowledge about different incidents and happenings through media. But on the other hand it shows various news in bad way like rape cases and now a days media shows wardrobe malfunction like bad things which affects the youth or say people of all ages.

So there is a need of censorship in media which will make a control on media to prevent showing these type of bad news.

Patel Nikunj said:   1 decade ago
Information is the new power.

This a very interesting topic as we know importance of media technology in growth, creating awareness, sharing information but still it has many limitations.

Major components of media includes Television, Radio, News-paper, Magazines, Internet websites. Now let's begin with;.

Television: What you see is what you learn. Television media which shows materials can sometimes be misleading. Electronic Media like television gets most of the profit from advertisements, so filtration of information in advertisements is less. Some of the News channels broadcasts the shows which share unimportant information. After getting raw information they add some, make up some and will show the information that pleases audience in order to increase number of views. Some of the Channels broadcasts reality shows in which judges don't have the control over their language. These materials should be censored.

News-paper and Magazines: News-papers turning biased to earn more profit should be banned from publishing or should be forced to remove those contents.

Internet-based sites: Most of the Internet sites nowadays contains so many advertisements and surveys that it is impossible to actually carry out the work which the site is intended to provide which results in huge loss of time and resources. Some of the Social networking sites provides live stream of continuous unimportant information. These information requires censorship.

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