Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
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103 comments Page 1 of 11.
Motiranjan said:
1 decade ago
Yes it is good for India, because if a person has developed something new then he must get the benefits of his/her product.
Rishu said:
1 decade ago
I am totally agree with this as if a person is innovative , government should give them a chance to prove themselves , also by this India will step forward towards development. Foreign currency will also be increased in India that is you all know is very useful.
Arun said:
1 decade ago
Ofourse it is good I dont see the point in Asking whether its good for India ?? why whats with India???. It is just the same as any country hence not only India if a person invents something he should be recognised which will encourage him more as well as inspire othes to do more
Rahul sachdeva said:
1 decade ago
Patent basically done to put an end on the cheating by others by making same kind of product in size, shape, design. Getting it aptent the product tends to remain with the person. He b sole owner of the product either if he wnats to sell itz patents right he can. So patent is positive devlepoment shuld b there. N provide some kind of prove that product belongs to a person n can hav all the benefits somay arise with it.
Ramadevi said:
1 decade ago
Patents are good not only for India, but for the whole world. Every individual who contributed something original to the society must get his due recognition whether in India or elsewhere. In country like India, where 50% of the population are still illiterate, we need to bring about awareness in the matters of patents. And each one of us need to know, how patent laws can affect a country and how we fought cases concerning patent rights of Basmati rice, neem and turmeric. Many of our natural resources or indigenous products of our farmers can be at stake, if we are unaware of patent rights. Hence India definitely needs a patent bill.
Hufriyar said:
1 decade ago
Patents bills in India is very important. As India is a democratic country, with a huge population. As its said per head different thoughts.Each individual would be able to express his ideas.There would be no communism.
But on the other hand as India also ranks in corruption, so the thoughts can be bought and sold.
But on the other hand as India also ranks in corruption, so the thoughts can be bought and sold.
Harsha said:
1 decade ago
In my point of view patent bill is important for India because someother country using products which are well known in India from long time and we are unable to use our products because we don't have right to use them.
Sam said:
1 decade ago
Patenting is definitely a good thing and may help a innovative mind reap the profits for the hardwork he has done.
But there should be a limit on the items or ideas which can be put under patenting law.
We cant afford to patent medicines in a poor country like ours, we cant think of patenting healthcare services in our country, we should not patent education. In short govt must not allow patenting of things that affects life of a poor and common man.
Plus we shud not patent things which are related to cultures and religions. E. G. What happened in usa where a man patented yoga asans.
But there should be a limit on the items or ideas which can be put under patenting law.
We cant afford to patent medicines in a poor country like ours, we cant think of patenting healthcare services in our country, we should not patent education. In short govt must not allow patenting of things that affects life of a poor and common man.
Plus we shud not patent things which are related to cultures and religions. E. G. What happened in usa where a man patented yoga asans.
Chrissy Pinto said:
1 decade ago
Patent laws form a very important part of a developing nation and as such its enforceability opens up many opportunities for India. In the early 1990's, FDI was restricted many because our lack of patent laws made it difficult for MNC's to protect their intellectual property. Now that patent protection is being enforced, MNC's are more comfortable bringing in technology and intellectual property making India more richer.
However, the pharma industry which was a striving business under the policy of process patent was dealt irreparable harm by the enforcement of product patent when India joined the WTO.
Also, there have been cases where seeds of Indian farmers have been patented by a foreign counterparty due to lack of awareness and funds of the former. For example, recently the you. S. Government granted a patent for the anti-diabetic properties of karela, jamun, and brinjal to two non-resident Indians, Onkar S. Tomer and Kripanath Borah, and their colleague Peter Gloniski. Yet the use of these substances for control of diabetes is everyday knowledge and practice in India.
However, the pharma industry which was a striving business under the policy of process patent was dealt irreparable harm by the enforcement of product patent when India joined the WTO.
Also, there have been cases where seeds of Indian farmers have been patented by a foreign counterparty due to lack of awareness and funds of the former. For example, recently the you. S. Government granted a patent for the anti-diabetic properties of karela, jamun, and brinjal to two non-resident Indians, Onkar S. Tomer and Kripanath Borah, and their colleague Peter Gloniski. Yet the use of these substances for control of diabetes is everyday knowledge and practice in India.
Aarsha said:
1 decade ago
Patent is one, that is needed for each and every country. Its helps to increase motivation of the people by giving the benefits for what they have patented. He can be recognized and if he is interested, then he can sell the patent to others and can earn profit for a particular period of time.
No one other than he cannot produce the same product and market it.
I think for a developing country like India, it is essential for encouraging and motivating other talent.
No one other than he cannot produce the same product and market it.
I think for a developing country like India, it is essential for encouraging and motivating other talent.
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