Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life?

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140 comments Page 1 of 14.

Aadhi said:   1 decade ago
Now a days that is not a easy thing to take off a company. First of all we should know how to manage the company. So, if we start a business after finishing MBA we don't lose our future.

Peter said:   1 decade ago
According to my opinion If you have a very good product to offer to the market, like the (iPhone) which the world has not yet seen, MBA is not all required. All that you need is common sense to manage various tasks involved. The product which your business endorses is critical in in building the brand image of your company. MBA is not for aspiring entrepreneurs but for management professionals.

Vishal said:   1 decade ago
N0 No, it is dependent on you and what is presently going in your field. It doesn't mean that everyone will do MBA to get success. I am seeing that people of 35, 40 years of age doing MBA just to increase their salary. I want to say that "education doesn't mean filling the bucket but give the bucket's water to your surroundings". The education is not only related to MBA, we can also choose some other courses to get success.

Nik said:   1 decade ago
After Doing MBA we can not get the success. We can get success by dedication and by the management, MBA is resource to understanding the corporate world, after doing MBA we know the Actual Professionalism. After doing MBA we secure our Future as well as business.

Maithili said:   1 decade ago
The roadside hawkers selling vegetables don't do an MBA, yet, they're successful in selling their veggies to their customers- homemakers/ other women. They've created a market for themselves, or at-least established themselves well in a market that required them. They didn't need a fancy management degree to do that! however, when we're talking about managing larger business houses & the people employed by them, such experiences won't serve us the best. MBA will be useful in treating our business in the appropriate manner & make the right strategic & tactical decisions. In 2 years of the course we learn what a decade of experience would fall short to teach. It may not be absolutely necessary for success, but it does enhance your chances of achieving it!

Suneel said:   1 decade ago
I think Studying MBA is definitely helpful to be in your own business It is not bookish Neither the engineering is also Not Confined to text books it is development of Attitude & discipline to brain.

Hardly 2% of what you study in Engineering is really applied in day to day job of engineer, same hold good for MBA.

It elevates your ability to think It widens your Vision & it is the acquired tool it depends How you use it.

Some one quoted that Dhirubhai had Not done MBA but pl note both of his sons have done MDA from Top institutes & That only have helped Reliance to develop in Multi activity Industry to this level of expansion.

Vipin said:   1 decade ago
I am an MBA. Let me vouch that a business school is no more than a finishing school. It helps you get shortlisted for positions and for corporate's it is a good selection ground. So business schools in some sense are glorified placement agencies.

There are several benefits that have been listed by esteemed members.

Let me share that my largest set of learning that I use today is what I have learnt during the course of my work. I hardly use a concept that I learnt in business school. Real work coupled with great books and mentoring is a far better way to understand and lead businesses.

Shriyam said:   1 decade ago
According to me MBA is not at all important to achieve success in life. Capabilities of person are seen through his skills of performing things so wats the roll of MBA here. It is totally dependent on person whether to achieve there goals by doing MBA or without it because your goal doesnt require to have MBA degree for achieving success, it can be achieved by working hard for it.

Rajanandhini said:   1 decade ago
Yeah according to my point of view, MBA is highly useful for the young minds who are interested in starting up their business. It teaches the students how to over come the hurdles and obstacles during crisis situation. Thus MBA will serve as a very powerful and helpful tool for a person who has an idea to start up the new business. All the best dudes !

Dayanand said:   1 decade ago
Success is depend upon us. How we will perform. I think MBA help to achieve our goal, life is journey. MBA student think differently rather than other he got knowledge how to overcome obstacles and how to get success.

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