General Knowledge - General Science - Discussion
Discussion Forum : General Science - Elements and Metals (Q.No. 3)
Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chelate compound in which central metal is
73 comments Page 1 of 8.
Racheal Jack said:
2 years ago
It trapping the sunlight means when the sunlight comes directly to the green leaf and photosynthesis takes place.
Neelam Khardiya said:
2 years ago
Yes, Mg is right.
G gireesh said:
3 years ago
It contain mg center.
Mukesh mahato said:
4 years ago
The central metal is magnesium.
Ashu said:
4 years ago
Chelate is chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants. In chlorophyll the central ion is magnesium, and the large organic molecule is a porphyrin. The porphyrin contains four nitrogen atoms that form bonds to magnesium in a square planar arrangement.
Ayush said:
4 years ago
Magnesium is a central metal which is a naturally occurring chelate compound for chlorophyll.
Ayush said:
4 years ago
One such chelate is chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants. In chlorophyll the central ion is magnesium, and the large organic molecule is a porphyrin. The porphyrin contains four nitrogen atoms that form bonds to magnesium in a square planar arrangement.
Rajeev said:
5 years ago
Magnesium is a central metal which is a naturally occurring chelate compound for chlorophyll.
Shubham said:
5 years ago
Trapping the sunlight means? Can someone explain it?
5 years ago
The chelate compound is a compound which contains bond either single or double from all the sides.
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