Digital Electronics - Memory and Storage

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Where can I get the Digital Electronics questions and answers section on "Memory and Storage"?

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Where can I get the Digital Electronics section on "Memory and Storage" MCQ-type interview questions and answers (objective type, multiple choice)?

Here you can find multiple-choice Digital Electronics questions and answers based on "Memory and Storage" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

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How do I solve Digital Electronics quiz problems based on "Memory and Storage"?

You can easily solve Digital Electronics quiz problems based on "Memory and Storage" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Memory and Storage - General Questions
How many address bits are needed to select all memory locations in the 2118 16K × 1 RAM?
Answer: Option
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The check sum method of testing a ROM:
indicates if the data in more than one memory location is incorrect.
provides a means for locating and correcting data errors in specific memory locations.
allows data errors to be pinpointed to a specific memory location.
simply indicates that the contents of the ROM are incorrect.
Answer: Option
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Refer to the given figures (a) and (b). A logic analyzer is used to check the circuit in figure (a) and displays the waveforms shown in figure (b). The actual analyzer display shows all four data outputs, Q0-Q3. The analyzer's cursor is placed at position X and all four of the data output lines show a LOW level output. What is wrong, if anything, with the circuit?

Nothing is wrong, according to the display. The outputs are in the open state and should show zero output voltage.
The circuit is in the READ mode and the outputs, Q0-Q3, should reflect the contents of the memory at that address. The chip is defective; replace the chip.
The circuit is in the mode and should be writing the contents of the selected address to Q0–Q3.
The Q0–Q3 lines can be either LOW or HIGH, since the chip is in the tristate mode in which case their level is unpredictable.
Answer: Option
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What is the meaning of RAM, and what is its primary role?
Readily Available Memory; it is the first level of memory used by the computer in all of its operations.
Random Access Memory; it is memory that can be reached by any sub- system within a computer, and at any time.
Random Access Memory; it is the memory used for short-term temporary data storage within the computer.
Resettable Automatic Memory; it is memory that can be used and then automatically reset, or cleared, after being read from or written to.
Answer: Option
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The storage element for a static RAM is the ________.
Answer: Option
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