Civil Engineering - Strength of Materials - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Strength of Materials - Section 4 (Q.No. 4)
A rectangular log of wood is floating in water with a load of 100 N at its centre. The maximum shear force in the wooden log is
50 N at each end
50 N at the centre
100 N at the centre
none of these.
Answer: Option
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23 comments Page 3 of 3.

Arshad Ahmad Khan said:   8 years ago
100 is the correct answer. I agree.

Akscivili@n said:   8 years ago
Because the load is passed through the shear center. It's floating 100 is right and acts at center.

Eeranna said:   8 years ago
Maximum shear force is v suffix u = w.

= 100 N at the centre.

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