Civil Engineering - Strength of Materials - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Strength of Materials - Section 4 (Q.No. 4)
A rectangular log of wood is floating in water with a load of 100 N at its centre. The maximum shear force in the wooden log is
50 N at each end
50 N at the centre
100 N at the centre
none of these.
Answer: Option
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23 comments Page 2 of 3.

Anuj j said:   4 years ago

Because the log is floating. So forces are balancing each other. That's why.

Civise said:   4 years ago
How do guys consider the udl of water is 50? Please explain it detail.

MD DANISH NAYEEM said:   5 years ago
A is correct.

Because at the centre sF is zero.

Muttu said:   6 years ago
The answer is option B.

Gmg said:   7 years ago
The answer is A, each end 50, not centre, sf of udl at centre is zero.

Anant said:   7 years ago
According to given options answer should be 50 N.

But under a point load shear force is always indeterminate.

Deb said:   8 years ago
I agree @Himanshu and @Pratul.

PRATUL SHARMA said:   8 years ago
The UDL of water will act in the opposite direction of the 100 kN. And thus the answer is 100-50 = 50.

Pushkar said:   8 years ago
Explain your answer clearly @Himanshu.

Himanshu said:   8 years ago
Answer is B.


Here, you haven't considered the UDLof water which is 100/ total length. And the question of shear centre does not arise.

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