Civil Engineering - Building Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Building Materials - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
In a mortar, the binding material is
Answer: Option
A mortar is a mixture of binding material, water, and fine aggregate (such as sand or surkhi). The binding material is typically cement, which is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay. When mixed with water, cement forms a paste that hardens over time to bind the aggregate together and create a strong and durable building material. Sand and surkhi are both types of fine aggregate that are often used in mortars, and cinder is a type of coarse aggregate that is not typically used in mortars.
117 comments Page 1 of 12.
Sachin Kumar said:
1 decade ago
Mortar - Binding material + Aggregates + water.
1. Aggregate - In Coarse form (Gitty) & In fine form (Mauroom).
2. Binding Material - Use as a Lime & Use as a Cement.
Lime Mortar - Lime+Gitty+Mauroom+water.
Cement Mortar - Cement+Gitty+Mauroom+Water.
Importance :
1. Coarse Material- Provide pore space for filling the binding material.
2. Binding Material- It bind coarse type of material and fine type of material with water.
Provide Minimum setting time (30min) for coarse & fine Material.
3. Fine Material- Some type of tiny pore space not filled so we used fine material & Provide good finishing.
4. Water- Mixing of coarse, Fine, & Binding material without water called Dry Mortar.
And then mix the water in Dry Mortar & make it Slurry Form.
Slurry mortar fix easily in pores.
5. Mortar is not reusable like brick and steel.
1. Aggregate - In Coarse form (Gitty) & In fine form (Mauroom).
2. Binding Material - Use as a Lime & Use as a Cement.
Lime Mortar - Lime+Gitty+Mauroom+water.
Cement Mortar - Cement+Gitty+Mauroom+Water.
Importance :
1. Coarse Material- Provide pore space for filling the binding material.
2. Binding Material- It bind coarse type of material and fine type of material with water.
Provide Minimum setting time (30min) for coarse & fine Material.
3. Fine Material- Some type of tiny pore space not filled so we used fine material & Provide good finishing.
4. Water- Mixing of coarse, Fine, & Binding material without water called Dry Mortar.
And then mix the water in Dry Mortar & make it Slurry Form.
Slurry mortar fix easily in pores.
5. Mortar is not reusable like brick and steel.
Rabindra said:
7 years ago
Cement: Cement is binding material for all the ingredients in concrete.
Surkhi is an artificial pozzolanic material made by powdering bricks or burnt clay balls. Surkhi : ( a) It is used for making waterproof cement mortars and concrete.
(b) They also make the concrete more resistant to alkalis and salt solutions.
Cinder : (a) Cinders have been used on track surfaces and roads to provide additional traction in winter conditions.
(b) Cinders are also employed as inorganic mulch in xeriscaping, because of excellent drainage properties and erosion resistance. In this context, they are referred to frequently with the name " lava rock".
Sand: I think sand is far matchable answer to the above question.
Surkhi is an artificial pozzolanic material made by powdering bricks or burnt clay balls. Surkhi : ( a) It is used for making waterproof cement mortars and concrete.
(b) They also make the concrete more resistant to alkalis and salt solutions.
Cinder : (a) Cinders have been used on track surfaces and roads to provide additional traction in winter conditions.
(b) Cinders are also employed as inorganic mulch in xeriscaping, because of excellent drainage properties and erosion resistance. In this context, they are referred to frequently with the name " lava rock".
Sand: I think sand is far matchable answer to the above question.
Mukkara raviteja said:
1 decade ago
In this type of mortar, the cement is used as binding material. Depending upon the strength required and importance of work, the proportion of cement to sand by volume varies from 1:2 to 1:6 or more. It should be noted that surkhi and cinder are not chemically inert substances and hence they cannot be used as adulterants with matrix as cement. Thus the sand only can be used to form cement mortar. The proportion of cement with respect to sand should be determined with due regard to the specified durability and working conditions. The cement mortar is used where a mortar of high strength and water-resisting properties is required such as underground constructions, water saturated soils, etc.
Saurabh Bidani said:
1 decade ago
Cement - Used as binding material.
SAND - Sand is used for filling voids of coarse aggregate & increases its strength as well as durability.
SURKHI - Surkhi is used as substitute for sand for concrete and mortar, and has almost the same function as of sand but it also imparts some.
Strength and hydraulicity. Surkhi is made by grinding to powder burnt. Bricks, brick-bats or burnt clay.
CINDER - Cinder is ash. *in simple language. Having same work as sand & cinder.
Hence sand can be replaced by cinder or surkhi. *Some building codes expressly prohibit the use of cinder blocks in construction projects.
SAND - Sand is used for filling voids of coarse aggregate & increases its strength as well as durability.
SURKHI - Surkhi is used as substitute for sand for concrete and mortar, and has almost the same function as of sand but it also imparts some.
Strength and hydraulicity. Surkhi is made by grinding to powder burnt. Bricks, brick-bats or burnt clay.
CINDER - Cinder is ash. *in simple language. Having same work as sand & cinder.
Hence sand can be replaced by cinder or surkhi. *Some building codes expressly prohibit the use of cinder blocks in construction projects.
Kavya said:
1 decade ago
Concrete is a mixture of cement, coarse aggregates and fine aggregates (in 1:2:4 ratio, it may varies for different structures) , water.
Cement is used as binder, coarse aggregates are for strength, fine aggregates are used to fill the gaps of coarse aggregates, water is used to mix all the materials homogeneously.
Not only concrete, we can also use steel. But concrete have more resistance towards fire, and of less cost, maintenance cost is low as compared to steel so we use concrete in structures.
Steel can be reused but concrete can not be reusable.
Cement is used as binder, coarse aggregates are for strength, fine aggregates are used to fill the gaps of coarse aggregates, water is used to mix all the materials homogeneously.
Not only concrete, we can also use steel. But concrete have more resistance towards fire, and of less cost, maintenance cost is low as compared to steel so we use concrete in structures.
Steel can be reused but concrete can not be reusable.
1 decade ago
Binding materials utilized in construction for making concretes and mortars, in bonding together individual elements of structural components, in waterproofing, and so on.
Binding materials are powdered substances that have the capacity when mixed (with water) to form a plastic mass that later hardens into a strong, rock-like solid.
Binding materials are powdered substances that have the capacity when mixed (with water) to form a plastic mass that later hardens into a strong, rock-like solid.
M.K Panda said:
9 years ago
If it is cement mortar then binding material is cement, if it is lime mortar then lime is binding material, if it is cement lime mortar then binding material is both cement and lime. In the modern era cement is the most common use binding material. Mortar is nothing but it is the mixture of binding material and water.
Lopamudra said:
8 years ago
It is a plastic mixture of binding material (like cement, lime, etc) , fine aggregates (like sand, etc) , water and any admixture approved by the engineer-in-charge. This is used to bond masonry or structural units.
Cinder is the small piece of coal @Rishiraj.
Cinder is the small piece of coal @Rishiraj.
Pankaj barwal said:
8 years ago
Lacquer is a clear or colored wood finish that dries by solvent evaporation or a curing process that produces a hard, durable finish. This finish can be of any sheen level from ultra matter to a high gloss, and it can be further polished as required.
Sai kumar said:
9 years ago
Mortar is nothing but oldest and first name we are using. In the beginning lime mortar is there, in that lime paste is cementing material. But after prepare the cement we are using cement, sand mixed with water is cementing or combining material.
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