Aptitude - Simplification - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Simplification - General Questions (Q.No. 1)
A man has Rs.480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the total number of notes that he has ?
Answer: Option
Let number of notes of each denomination be x.
Then x + 5x + 10x = 480
16x = 480
x = 30.
Hence, total number of notes = 3x = 90.
76 comments Page 8 of 8.
Payal said:
1 decade ago
Thanks ramesh.
Ramesh said:
1 decade ago
One (rupee)+ Five(rupee) + Ten(rupee) = 16 (rupee)
Rupees 480 has to be distbted in these denomination i.e, 16
so 480/16 = 30
one rupee 30 notes
five rupee 30 notes
ten rupee 30 notes
total 90 notes.
Rupees 480 has to be distbted in these denomination i.e, 16
so 480/16 = 30
one rupee 30 notes
five rupee 30 notes
ten rupee 30 notes
total 90 notes.
Ritu said:
1 decade ago
I want short term rule (formula).
Aparna said:
1 decade ago
As the number of notes of different dinominations is same.
And their are 3 kinds of notes.
And their are 3 kinds of notes.
Pushpa said:
1 decade ago
How come 3x?
Prabhat said:
1 decade ago
Kindly providde us some simple tricks or easy. Which may help out eaisly.
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