Verbal Reasoning - Blood Relation Test - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Blood Relation Test - Blood Relation 1 (Q.No. 9)
If A + B means A is the father of B; A - B means A is the brother B; A % B means A is the wife of B and A x B means A is the mother of B, which of the following shows that M is the maternal grandmother of T?
M x N % S + T
M x N - S % T
M x S - N % T
M x N x S % T
Answer: Option

M x N → M is the mother of N

N % S → N is the wife of S

and S + T → is the father of T.

Hence, M is the maternal grandmother of T.

20 comments Page 1 of 2.

Glory said:   10 months ago
M x N % S +T means, mother of the wife of the son. M is N’s mother.
N % S means N is the wife of S.
And S is the father of T.
Therefore N is the mother of T and M is the mother of M. (Mother of the wife and grandmother of the son).

Debanjan said:   4 years ago

The mother of our mother is maternal grandmother.

Soustabh said:   4 years ago
Maternal Grandmother means grandmother from mother side. Not of father side.

Ashish said:   5 years ago
I don't understand it. Please, anyone, explain

Pradip said:   5 years ago
I think M*N*S%T also possible.

Because M is the mother of N. and again N is the mother of S.

So that means S is the daughter of N and M already is mom's mom. So she(M) is the grandmother of S.

Now S is the wife of T. So we all know if the M is the grandmother of S. i.e, also grandmother for T as well. So we can say T is the son-in-law of M&N

Mithilesh said:   6 years ago
Here sex of T is not defined. Then how to predict the answer. Please explain me.

Vinotha said:   6 years ago
Please explain clearly.

Piyush Joshi said:   6 years ago
Where that S and T came?

Please explain this clearly.

Piyush Joshi said:   6 years ago
Please, anyone explain me the solution clearly.

Monu kumar said:   8 years ago
How to solve this type of question easily? Please suggest me.

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