Verbal Ability - Selecting Words - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Selecting Words - Section 1 (Q.No. 151)
Directions to Solve

Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

The king ...... the rebel.
none of these
Answer: Option
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3 comments Page 1 of 1.

Ayushi Nandy said:   1 year ago
It will be pardoned, as it is more formal. Forgive is usually used when it means that you have excused a person for the harm or hurt that he/she has done to you.

Nakool said:   1 decade ago
Forgive implies personal relationships or debts.

Pardon implies a government agency and incarceration, but is has a social use:

Forgive to me implies when someone has done something to you and you erase it from the story of your relationship with them - if that makes sense. Pardon has a slightly more formal resonance to me - as when a government gives a pardon for a crime, in other words erases it from the formal/legal record. But really they are very close. Unless the question was about something like "I beg your pardon" versus "forgive me". The first can mean - please repeat what you just said, and the second means - please accept my apology for what I just said or did.

Sana said:   1 decade ago
what is the difference between the two term.
i think nothing so i wanna know why you are giving priority to pardoned?

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