Verbal Ability - Selecting Words - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Selecting Words - Section 1 (Q.No. 151)
Directions to Solve
Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
The king ...... the rebel.
3 comments Page 1 of 1.
Ayushi Nandy said:
1 year ago
It will be pardoned, as it is more formal. Forgive is usually used when it means that you have excused a person for the harm or hurt that he/she has done to you.
Nakool said:
1 decade ago
Forgive implies personal relationships or debts.
Pardon implies a government agency and incarceration, but is has a social use:
Forgive to me implies when someone has done something to you and you erase it from the story of your relationship with them - if that makes sense. Pardon has a slightly more formal resonance to me - as when a government gives a pardon for a crime, in other words erases it from the formal/legal record. But really they are very close. Unless the question was about something like "I beg your pardon" versus "forgive me". The first can mean - please repeat what you just said, and the second means - please accept my apology for what I just said or did.
Pardon implies a government agency and incarceration, but is has a social use:
Forgive to me implies when someone has done something to you and you erase it from the story of your relationship with them - if that makes sense. Pardon has a slightly more formal resonance to me - as when a government gives a pardon for a crime, in other words erases it from the formal/legal record. But really they are very close. Unless the question was about something like "I beg your pardon" versus "forgive me". The first can mean - please repeat what you just said, and the second means - please accept my apology for what I just said or did.
Sana said:
1 decade ago
what is the difference between the two term.
i think nothing so i wanna know why you are giving priority to pardoned?
i think nothing so i wanna know why you are giving priority to pardoned?
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