Logical Reasoning - Statement and Argument
- Statement and Argument - Section 1
- Statement and Argument - Section 2
- Statement and Argument - Section 3
Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by three or four arguments numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to decide which of the arguments is/are 'strong' arguments) and which is/are 'weak' arguments) and accordingly choose your answer from the alternatives given below each question.
Statement: Should the public sector undertakings be kilo wed to adopt hire and fire policy?
- Yes. This will help the public sector undertakings to get rid of non-performing employees and reward the performing employees.
- No. This will give an unjust handle to the management and they may use it indiscriminately.
- Yes. This will help increase the level of efficiency of these organizations and these will become profitable establishments.
Statement: Is caste-based reservation policy in professional colleges justified?
- Yes. The step is a must to bring the underprivileged at par with the privileged ones.
- No. It obstructs the establishment of a classless society.
- Yes. This will help the backward castes and classes of people to come out of the oppression of upper caste people.
Statement: Should there be a complete ban on genetically modified imported seeds?
- Yes. This will boost the demand of domestically developed seeds.
- No. This is the only way to increase production substantially.
- Yes. Genetically modified products will adversely affect the health of those who consume these products.
Statement: Should the income generated out of agricultural activities be taxed?
- No. Farmers are otherwise suffering from natural calamities and low yield coupled with low procurement price and their income should not be taxed.
- Yes. Majority of the population is dependent on agriculture and hence their income should be taxed to augment the resources.
- Yes. Many big farmers earn much more than the majority of the service earners and they should be taxed to remove the disparity.
Statement: Should all the management institutes in the country be brought under government control?
- No. The government does not have adequate resources to run such institutes effectively.
- No. Each institute should be given freedom to function on its own.
- Yes. This will enable to have standardized education for all the students.
- Yes. Only then the quality of education would be improved.