Logical Reasoning - Logical Games - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Logical Games - Type 1 (Q.No. 3)
Directions to Solve
Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:
The government of an island nation is in the process of deciding how to spend its limited income. It has $7 million left in its budget and eight programs to choose among. There is no provision in the constitution to have a surplus, and each program has requested the minimum amount they need; in other words, no program may be partially funded. The programs and their funding requests are:
* Hurricane preparedness: $2.5 million* Harbor improvements: $1 million
* School music program: $0.5 million
* Senate office building remodeling: $1.5 million
* Agricultural subsidy program: $2 million
* National radio: $0.5 million
* Small business loan program: $3 million
* International airport: $4 million
If the legislature decides to fund the agricultural subsidy program, national radio, and the small business loan program, the only other single program that can be funded is
Answer: Option
The total of the three programs (2 million + 0.5 million + 3 million) is 5.5 million. That leaves 1.5 million (7 million - 5.5 million), and the only single program needing that amount is the senate office building remodeling.
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Karan said:
3 years ago
Have to use all the money so no surplus to be made means no saving. So option D is correct.
Have to use all the money so no surplus to be made means no saving. So option D is correct.
Pratik said:
6 years ago
All options that cost lost than 1.5 million should be correct!
It is Clearly stated in the question, that it is not needed to save $$, but no mention of needing to use all the $$!
It is Clearly stated in the question, that it is not needed to save $$, but no mention of needing to use all the $$!
8 years ago
Three program ($2 + $0.5 + $3) = $5.5.
So $1.5 is remaining &only option D is correct. Beacuse a/c to question only one program can be promoted.
So $1.5 is remaining &only option D is correct. Beacuse a/c to question only one program can be promoted.
Devyani said:
8 years ago
Excellent explanation.
Tejas said:
8 years ago
Option D is correct but option B or C is also correct as they require less than 1.5 million. Also, there is no mention of using the whole remaining money.
Suja said:
9 years ago
How we choose option D?
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