What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?

HR Interview
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810 posts Page 1 of 81.

Johny said:   5 years ago
" I can do it "- confidence, " Only I can do it "- overconfidence.

" I am suitable for this job "- confidence, " I am the only one suitable for this job "- overconfidence.

" Trusting yourself "- confidence, " Underestimating others "- overconfidence.

A person is confident when he know the fact better, A person is overconfident when he know the facts better than others.

Mounika said:   5 years ago
I can do it - Confidence.
Only I can do it - Overconfidence.

I'm suitable for this job - Confidence.
I'm only one suitable for this job - Overconfidence.

Subash.M said:   2 years ago
Confidence is "I have the ability to crack the interview".

Over-confidence is "I will definitely crack the interview

One should have confidence, not overconfidence.

Ganesh Nalegave said:   4 years ago
Here is an only small difference, if I say am suitable for this job it's my confidence but if I say am the only one suitable for this job it's my over-confidence.

That means, confidence is good understanding about our strength and over-confidence is like one underestimating other people.

Virat said:   5 years ago
If you believe you can do it, that's the confidence,

But if you think nobody can do it except me, that's the over confidence.

Kavya reddy said:   7 months ago
Confidence is where action speaks more than words.

Overconfidence is where words speak more than action.

Avinash said:   8 years ago

Confidence is I can do this work.
Overconfidence is no one can do this work other than me.

Pavan malviya said:   4 years ago
If I say I am suitable for this job it's my confidence and If I say I am the only one Suitable for this job it's my overconfidence.

Imtiaz said:   5 years ago
Confidence: Confidence means believing in yourself and in your abilities-not in an arrogant way but in a realistic, secure way.

Overconfidence: Overconfidence is an excessive belief in their own abilities ignoring the fact that their decision can be wrong too.

Dev said:   4 years ago
Confidence is "I can do this".

Over confidence is "only I can do this".

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