Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
Points to remember before you answer this interview question:
- Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
- Kindly answer this question as best you can.
- Post your answer now.
87 posts Page 9 of 9.
Hero said:
5 years ago
Looking back I have many mistakes in life when I was a young boy that time used to focus on cricket but that time study important for me. So I could do better at that stage.
Krishna Murthy said:
5 years ago
Looking back, my childhood didn't go as well as I expected. So, I'm thinking I can make it better by making good studies and getting a job in reputed company like yours.
Naresh khanduri said:
5 years ago
As all of us know our elders always say that forget the past but never repeat the mistakes that we had done in the past and concentrate on the present to build up a bright future. I follow that principle.
5 years ago
By looking at our past, I had done lot of mistakes but at the same time try to learn from that mistake and always look forward in my life good experience and bad experience both are equally important because in my point of view, good experience give us happiness and at the same time bad experience give us learning.
3 years ago
When I look back in my life, I felt that I could better in English subject while my schooling and get better marks in English. I should have given more time to make a strong base in English while schooling and now it helps to me to make my career more better.
Hadi said:
3 years ago
Yes, I've taken many wrong decisions at many sharp decisions of my till now life and faced terrible outcomes. But what is done can't be undone.
Parameswar dash said:
1 year ago
As of now, I have made many mistakes but I believe in one line which my father usually tells me "Always learn from the mistakes" that I am following I am always learning from my mistakes and I always think about which part of the mistakes that I could be fix and how could I execute it in future with my positive attitude and critical thinking.
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