Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
Points to remember before you answer this interview question:
- Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
- Kindly answer this question as best you can.
- Post your answer now.
87 posts Page 2 of 9.
Ranjan said:
1 decade ago
With Due Respect,
I want to tell you that, I never thought of looking back and doing things differently. Past is History and Future is full of Mystery. Present is the best time to do things in a positive way.
I want to tell you that, I never thought of looking back and doing things differently. Past is History and Future is full of Mystery. Present is the best time to do things in a positive way.
Hayat boudhar said:
1 decade ago
I would not change anything because all I faced in the past whether success or failure create the person who I am right now and which I am proud of.
Priyanka rajput said:
1 decade ago
Past is something that had happened and future is one which we are going to make happen, so the only thing we can learn from the past are d mistakes and can implement on them. Ast is the history and present is full of mystery. So we have to focus on present by taking care of past mistakes. So I want to make my future by better utilizing my present.
Imran Abbasi said:
1 decade ago
Past is History, Future is Mystery and Present is gift of God that why we call it PRESENT. So be focus on your Present.
Madhoo said:
1 decade ago
Past is like a great teacher which teaches us a lot things which should not be repeated in our future and make the best use of our present.
Rahul Ranjan said:
10 years ago
From my experiences after exams, had I done this things would be different, all I have learnt that this makes no difference. Rather I would prefer to work smartly in present and enjoy.
Mohamed said:
10 years ago
I don't want to change something of the past because if we do not teach errors thing right and therefore in the future didn't last errors.
Sunil said:
10 years ago
Looking back will not help you to change your past but it will help you to change your future if you learn from the mistakes you made in the past.
Anu said:
10 years ago
I do not want to change anything did in my future, because success and failures are part of our life. My each success gave me self confident, and my each failure gave me an experience that what I should not do in my present and future. So to architect my present and future in best way, my past is important. So I do not want change anything.
Aathira said:
10 years ago
I am a person who love being me. I do believe as everyone would, I have also done many mistakes in life. But these are the once which moulded me and made me better and better day after day, and made me how I am today. And so I am very confident to say I would not like to do any thing differently from my past.
I am a person who love being me. I do believe as everyone would, I have also done many mistakes in life. But these are the once which moulded me and made me better and better day after day, and made me how I am today. And so I am very confident to say I would not like to do any thing differently from my past.
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