The Internet is an exercise in hype
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104 comments Page 1 of 11.
Bharat said:
1 decade ago
Good morning friends i am bharat , fresh . today our topic internet is an exercise in hype i agree with it cause now a days everything is available in internet. we can see that every one searches online for information and or to search products and get detailed information on it and also many more new tech news.. and all
Rahul said:
1 decade ago
good morning this is rahul bba fresh .as mr bharat tell us about the internet uses in india most of the people misuse the internet and give a rise to cyber crime
Sathish Kumar said:
1 decade ago
Good morning My name is M.Sathish Kumar,Just completed my final year engineering.Internet is both a boon and a curse.If we use it in right way, it teaches us alot.If we take it in a wrong way it spoils us.
Rahul said:
1 decade ago
..but every body here divert their mind in negative side. But I look in this way -- internet is not a curse, it is a very large source of knowledge, for every age group such as child, teenagers, adults etc --.
Sathish said:
1 decade ago
Internet gives us enough knowledge and gives more exposure to the other side of the world. Today we are Web 2.0 it offers more thing to create by ourselves such as blog.With the help of web 2.0 I have created my own blog
Kapil said:
1 decade ago
First thing which I want to clear here is what the exact Technical definition of internet is- "Internet is the network of networks, very rapidly growing that's why technology moves from IPV4 to IPV6",
Because of this rapid growth internet has huge chamber of knowledge, information, services like e-commerce etc. provides human comforts. But according to Defense it is also a very dangerous weapons not only against the security of Countries but also against the individuals.
One more example i want to give you is, a 10-15 year old child uses internet for learning, gaming and knowledge purpose but one day unfortunately he reached at one site which diverts his mind from studies, outdoor games and whatever the extra activities required for his growth, causes a very dangerous affects.
Because of this rapid growth internet has huge chamber of knowledge, information, services like e-commerce etc. provides human comforts. But according to Defense it is also a very dangerous weapons not only against the security of Countries but also against the individuals.
One more example i want to give you is, a 10-15 year old child uses internet for learning, gaming and knowledge purpose but one day unfortunately he reached at one site which diverts his mind from studies, outdoor games and whatever the extra activities required for his growth, causes a very dangerous affects.
D.prasanna said:
1 decade ago
Hi i am prasanna mca final fresher. Internet provides several features a lot of work can be done with in fraction of seconds. we saving most precious time. whenever we have to miss using of that techonlogy we 100% use that features.whenever that missusing we loss every thing. so ausing technolgy ina proper way.
Ramya said:
1 decade ago
hai this is ramya Msc fresher, all are says the positives as well as the negetives things of the internet uses the interner is like the coin it has the two sides so we takt the good thinks from the internet to avoid the bad thinks 99% of the yongester are only to use the internet to the good thinks only
Priya said:
1 decade ago
totally agreed with Mr. Kapil...
Deepa said:
1 decade ago
As we know that everything has some positive side as well as some drawback also. Same thing is applicable for internet also. Nowadays we can't think our life without internet, whatever think we need everything is available over here.
People who are knowledge seeker they get knowledge through this, it's a very unique options for house wives to cook various delicious food through internet, even we can contact with friends, family members through some social sites, specially we can get various news regarding everything from this.
Even jobseekers also get various information regarding job openings and all this type of beneficial news. There are some matrimonial sites also through which people can find out their soul mates. If we count the blessings of internet it will never end,its endless.these are all its posituve sides,as i told earlier there are some negative side also.
But we should always seeker of good things,so that can gain a lot of knowlegde ,as whatever may be the drawbacks, there are a no of blessings also.So it depands on people how they want to use it, but if they use its advantages only i am very sure that human generation will reach the acme.
People who are knowledge seeker they get knowledge through this, it's a very unique options for house wives to cook various delicious food through internet, even we can contact with friends, family members through some social sites, specially we can get various news regarding everything from this.
Even jobseekers also get various information regarding job openings and all this type of beneficial news. There are some matrimonial sites also through which people can find out their soul mates. If we count the blessings of internet it will never end,its endless.these are all its posituve sides,as i told earlier there are some negative side also.
But we should always seeker of good things,so that can gain a lot of knowlegde ,as whatever may be the drawbacks, there are a no of blessings also.So it depands on people how they want to use it, but if they use its advantages only i am very sure that human generation will reach the acme.
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