Religion should not be mixed with politics

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210 comments Page 2 of 21.

Shipra singh said:   3 years ago
When we go to our religious places where we do not want to talk about politics in the same way political parties and their leaders should not talk about religion in the place of politics. People are emotionally connected with their religion if political parties and leaders will use religion so there can be spread violence. Therefore, religion should not be mixed in politics.

Soham jadhav said:   3 years ago
Yes, religion and politics must be separated. religion is meant to unite people with similar beliefs into a moral community.

Sohan said:   4 years ago
Yes, religion should not be mixed with politics. It only gives rise to communalism in the country. Politics should respect all religion. A country like India where a lot of religion are there if any politicians support any particular religion it creates violence in the country and it cannot treat the people of different religion equal it become get biased which can create a sense of fear among the all other religion and it can also cause a riot in the country it hinders the growth of the country. So, at last, religion should not be mixed with politics.

Shruti Ahire said:   4 years ago
"Religion and politics must keep be separate. Religion is meant to unite people with similar beliefs into a moral community. Politics, on the other hand, is meant to unite all people of a region into a single community, regardless of personal beliefs and practices. Thus, when the two are mixed, the results are bound to be disastrous".

Anjani said:   4 years ago
I strongly support that "Religion should not be mixed with politics".

I can explain it in two ways:

1. If religions are mixed with politics.
2. If religions are not mixed with politics.


Then a lot of crimes are manipulated as religious crimes and the main suspect escape form crime. Also a lot of injustice happens due to mixing of religions and politics and many politicians will escape form crime.


Then we can solve a lot of problems which are unable to solve when religions are mixed with politics. For example "threebulthalak"&"ram Madir".

Cases are solved irrespective of religions.

Sofia Katara said:   4 years ago
Good Afternoon everyone.

My name is Sofia Katara and today I would like to express my views on the topic "Religion should not be mixed with politics".

We all know that India is a religiously diverse country. There are so many religions and cultures and everyone has the right to choose their religion. Politicians should not discriminate peoples on behalf of religions.

All the policies and rules regulations should be the same for all people.

If they do so, then people will become more aggressive and there will be riots everywhere.

As we see that many politicians take the help of religion to win the election but they don't know that by doing this they are just provoking the spark of anger and it will cause great problems in future.

So, in my opinion, Religion should not be mixed with politics.

Ajay yadav said:   4 years ago
Hello everyone, A very good evening to all of you.

This is Ajay kumar, today my topic is "religion should not be mixed with politics ".

I think in my point of view, it is absolutely correct that religion should not be mixed with politics. In reality, both have different aspect but the majority of the politician use religion to win the election which is not fare. If it is mixed with each other then brotherhood among the community will be broken and creates a lot of problems among the people and the perspective of the people will get change and by this, it is not a good sign for the country. So, politics should not have mixed with religion for the welfare of society. By this, it also unites the people of the country.

Thank you.

Nicholaus Abeid said:   5 years ago
Politics should not be mixed with religion because religious leaders will fail to spread real word to their people and they will lie people, so for benefit of Indian peace we should differentiate them.

S. Sristy said:   5 years ago
As we know that, our country is secular and democratic of the world. The meaning of democracy is a system in which the government of the country is elected by the people. According to the Indian constitution, the people have rights to raise their voice fever and against the government. Let's come to the topic. If religion mixes with politics how a country be called democratic. It will create an unbalanced situation in our country.

So I think religion shouldn't be mixed with politics.

Yuvraj singh chiral said:   5 years ago

Politics and religions should not mix, as politics need to reflect a common opinion and have to make all decisions keeping in view the mutual benefit of all the people.

If you simply go by the laws in India which is a secular country then definitely as per it the two things should not mix with each other.

If both the elements are mixed then people will become more biased towards their own religion.

Whenever politics and religions are mixed then the voting decisions of people have been affected.

Politics is about power and religion is about faith. Faith can influence power but when power influences faith it can become a disaster. Faith always leads to principles and values.

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