Religion should not be mixed with politics

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210 comments Page 1 of 21.

Namrata shownkeen said:   9 years ago
Hey friends, politics and religions should not mix as politics need to reflect a common opinion and have to make all decisions keeping in view the mutual benefit of all the people.

If you simply go by the laws in India which is a secular country then definitely as per it the two things should not mix with each other.

Nausheen Sayed said:   9 years ago
Religion is something which is perfect in its way, but politics is something which is never perfect in its way. People often mix up religion with politics and many a times political leaders go on wrong track and then it becomes a big issue. There's no need actually to elaborate a discussion related to politics. Because its full of corruption at least there's no corruption in religion.

So people who do such acts of creating a confusion among people and making a chaos and riots, belonging to politics are actually illiterates and are not bothered about the peace of nation.

Tanvi said:   9 years ago
In India there are many religion but some conflict between them. In older time there is a conflict between Hindu and Muslims by which a civil war take place from not side many people were killed and the country divided into 2 parts.

In opinion there should be a separation of religion from politics by every religion have their own leader by which there is less chance to conflict between 2 religion in the country.

Ankit said:   9 years ago
Yes I strongly agree with the topic. Religion is a set of belief that further become the tradition for that particular community. While politics at the front end is a way of forming government by peoples support. And when the political parties try to get support from the voters by encouraging their particular belief or symbol, we say that they mixed the religion with the politics.

It has a great impact on a country like India because of having a wide range of belief and religion. It create hatred among the people and imbalance in the society. The story of Ayodhya Kand in 1992, Anti-Sikh riot in 1984, and the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandit are the best example of destruction followed by such practices.

Nausheen Sayed said:   9 years ago
People who misbehave in politics under the name of religion are the biggest culprits for making a partition between the unity of people. If such people would be removed, then definitely there will be unity among people of all religion. Its not the high class society which is affected but its the middle class and lower class society which is affected at large.

Shashank jain said:   9 years ago
According to my opinion India is a secular country so religion should not be mixed in politics. Because when we choose our leader on the basis of religion there are thousand of problems are create and many riots take place. In past time Gujarat riot is the result of political empowerment. So we have to make a sensitive to understand that religion and politics are different things.

ANJALI MAHESHWARI said:   9 years ago

As per my thinking views I would like to express that politics is some what different then religion. If politics wanna include some that is only welfare practices don't involve such type of topic which create feeling of conflict among people, religion includes the faiths and believes of people for different culture and religions.

We should respect it whole heartedly. Religion is totally different from politics it has peoples hopes and love but politics is for India s economic development. So we should never combine these both in one container keep it seperate.

Aamin Patel said:   9 years ago
Politics should not be mixed with religion. It is a job of narrow minded people. When the politicians fight election they represent themselves as a developer of society but when they won they try to rule on the basis of creating religious differences.

And we all know no one can get advantage due to this. This dragging of religion will result into nothing more than destructive results for any religion. The politician should do for what they are chosen open heartily by the public.

Priya Agrawal said:   9 years ago
Hi friends,

Politics is mixed with the religion from the day our country got independence. Since then it is followed by many riots, destruction, and other events which clearly shows that politics has messed up a lot in the name of religion.

It only depends on us how we choose our representatives in the parliament and further more how those representatives act and behave for the welfare of people.

BIPLOB said:   9 years ago
According to my opinion Politics and religion completely different from each other. We live in country like India where people are from different religion. Religion is the identity of human being, which controls us.

And the politics is the only way which serves our nation. Through politics we developed our nation. In politics we elect different eligible leader so that they work for us to develop our nation and control the human being. So identity means religion should not be mixed with politics.

But now a days we see that politics mixed with religion. Different leaders are stand up from different religion and many of them take d religion as vote bank. During campaigning its seen that they talk various religious issues.

So that they create a egotism towards him as leader from d same caste, tribe simply as the member from the same religion, as a result they vote the particular leader without showing any eligible characters for serving our nation. For that we can't elect good, active leader for serving our nation, so my point of view is that we should not mixed up the religion with politics.

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