Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
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133 comments Page 1 of 14.
Pradeep bishnoi said:
3 months ago
In my opinion privatization has cons and pros both. Yeah, I know it would be helpful to reduce corruption, it would be helpful to fast growth in economy and infrastructure and more technologies but the cons are of it no job securities, it slowly with time will converted in dictatorship to employes and more workload to a worker.
Sanjay Sharma said:
1 year ago
In my opinion, the privatization of some public sector organizations will definitely reduce corruption but privatizing every sector will not reduce corruption it will only increase it to the next level. And some organizations of a country should be under the government's control. I accept privatization will help in the GDP growth of the country, it will generate more employment, there would be more per capita income but we cannot hand over government controls on big organizations to private companies.
So, there are some public sectors which should be privatized but all public sectors shouldn't be privatized just to reduce corruption.
So, there are some public sectors which should be privatized but all public sectors shouldn't be privatized just to reduce corruption.
Rajdeep kumar said:
2 years ago
Hello everyone.
My name is Rajdeep Kumar.
Now we are going to discuss about privatization will lead to less corruption.
Yes, definitely privatization will lead less corruption it also depends on mindset and atitude of people,
1.Because some people in government job they think they are government servent they don't work full efficiency.
2. Because of privatization improve efficiency in comparison of public sector.
3. Hard rules and regulations in private sector.
They always afraid about job because they know if I don't work proper then our job should go.
Conclusion :- In my opinion, privatization will lead to less corruption because of privatization people work full efficiency, and last I would like to say that it's depends on mindset of people and education is the best way to reduce corruption.
Thank you everyone
My name is Rajdeep Kumar.
Now we are going to discuss about privatization will lead to less corruption.
Yes, definitely privatization will lead less corruption it also depends on mindset and atitude of people,
1.Because some people in government job they think they are government servent they don't work full efficiency.
2. Because of privatization improve efficiency in comparison of public sector.
3. Hard rules and regulations in private sector.
They always afraid about job because they know if I don't work proper then our job should go.
Conclusion :- In my opinion, privatization will lead to less corruption because of privatization people work full efficiency, and last I would like to say that it's depends on mindset of people and education is the best way to reduce corruption.
Thank you everyone
Jogarao s said:
3 years ago
Yes, privatisation leads to less corruption. It also depends on the mindset, attitude of the people. I think partial privatisation will be better. When you see in some government Sectors the government Employees work slower with less efficiency and takes bribes to do some work but when coming to private sector they do work efficiently, effectively and also in less time and without any corruption. So the govt, should identify the corrupted sectors and privitise them so I think partial privatisation could be better. Without privatisation also the govt can increase efficiency by creating accountability and transparency in it and also by waging some fine on the employees when the work gets delayed.
Akul said:
4 years ago
Yes, because in government jobs many people depends on one government servant so the people wanted your work fast they give bribe to government.
Rajat jain said:
4 years ago
Hi Everyone,
I would also like to add some more points of the discussion over the topic 'Will privatisation lead to less corruption?'.
The answer. Is " Yes" & "No".
Why Yes? because the corruption in the form of giving bribes to bureaucrats, issuing recruitment forms in some consideration and then cancelling those exams without refund, Giving bribes to government officials to get the work done who deliberately delay the works, even bribes to get the government job too will be under control to a great extent because there will always be a fear among the employees to be fired if caught red-handed.
Through privatisation, if one form of corruption is rooted out then the other form of corruptions is born. Eg. Private hospitals, schools, colleges, railways and so on will definitely charge high fees to earn a profit because privatisation is always profit-oriented and then there might be the monopoly and monotony is always a sign of danger. Will that not be counted under corruption?
Now Why "No" because Corruption has many forms and only particular types of corruption can be rooted out through privatisation mentioned as above.
Well In India we can't blame to bureaucrats, govt officials or politicians, businessman, smugglers, hoarders or tax evaders for the corruptions somewhere we all are corrupt, somewhere we all have also given or taken bribes, somewhere we all try to evade taxes, most of us don't stop at the red light if the traffic police is not there so corruption is in our blood. If we want corrupt free India then we need to make ourselves corrupt-free first.
Corruption can't be reduced through privatisation because it depends on our attitude, needs, self-respect, desires, emotions, financial condition, salary, taxes rate, laws, rules and regulations, selfishness, behaviour, etc.
But, Yes privatisation can help us in other ways.
Thank you.
I would also like to add some more points of the discussion over the topic 'Will privatisation lead to less corruption?'.
The answer. Is " Yes" & "No".
Why Yes? because the corruption in the form of giving bribes to bureaucrats, issuing recruitment forms in some consideration and then cancelling those exams without refund, Giving bribes to government officials to get the work done who deliberately delay the works, even bribes to get the government job too will be under control to a great extent because there will always be a fear among the employees to be fired if caught red-handed.
Through privatisation, if one form of corruption is rooted out then the other form of corruptions is born. Eg. Private hospitals, schools, colleges, railways and so on will definitely charge high fees to earn a profit because privatisation is always profit-oriented and then there might be the monopoly and monotony is always a sign of danger. Will that not be counted under corruption?
Now Why "No" because Corruption has many forms and only particular types of corruption can be rooted out through privatisation mentioned as above.
Well In India we can't blame to bureaucrats, govt officials or politicians, businessman, smugglers, hoarders or tax evaders for the corruptions somewhere we all are corrupt, somewhere we all have also given or taken bribes, somewhere we all try to evade taxes, most of us don't stop at the red light if the traffic police is not there so corruption is in our blood. If we want corrupt free India then we need to make ourselves corrupt-free first.
Corruption can't be reduced through privatisation because it depends on our attitude, needs, self-respect, desires, emotions, financial condition, salary, taxes rate, laws, rules and regulations, selfishness, behaviour, etc.
But, Yes privatisation can help us in other ways.
Thank you.
Renuka said:
4 years ago
Privatisation leads to less corruption, I will not agree with this statement because either it is private or Government, it is the attitude of the person to take bribe. In any sector, if the higher authorities are powerful and dynamic then automatically the system will be effective. If we see the private schools, colleges and hospitals, how much cost they are charging for the individuals? Is it not corruption? How the poor people can afford all these?, if all the sectors become privatised. So some specific sectors should be in the control of Government only.
Monika said:
4 years ago
Hi Everyone.
Our topic is "Privatization will lead to less Corruption. As we know, Government officials are generally involved Bribe to get work done apart from getting higher salaries from Govt Department. But it doesn't mean that there will be no corruption if it privatized. Corruption spread due to Human beings, not to due to sector whether is private or Social. It may lead to less corruption sometimes because as private sector provide quality but does not gives any guarantee or surety that it will results in less Corruption.
Our topic is "Privatization will lead to less Corruption. As we know, Government officials are generally involved Bribe to get work done apart from getting higher salaries from Govt Department. But it doesn't mean that there will be no corruption if it privatized. Corruption spread due to Human beings, not to due to sector whether is private or Social. It may lead to less corruption sometimes because as private sector provide quality but does not gives any guarantee or surety that it will results in less Corruption.
Pallavi Maurya said:
5 years ago
Hello friends, firstly a very good evening to all of you. So here I want to put my ideas about.
"Privatization will lead to less corruption". So firstly I want to say actually for what meaning it stand for. ? Privatization is the transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency or public service from the public sector to the private sector. As every coin have its two faces so it also has some pros &cons.
*Employees of the private sector are given high salaries, so they are much oriented towards their work and less interested in corruption.
*Quick action of private sectors against bribery, so it develope fear in employees for a bribe.
*Private institute provide more facilities and care to the public as well as belongings because it belongs to them. It helps in securing the property, and other things.
*Most important thing is that mostly GDP depend on taxes paid by a private institution.
*Competitive spirit in the sector will enhance and it will lead to qualitative products and services.
So, at last, I want to say that corruption does not depend on whether it's private or government, it completely depends on the individual's attitude. But it is necessary to take a step forward for corruption-free India.
"Privatization will lead to less corruption". So firstly I want to say actually for what meaning it stand for. ? Privatization is the transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency or public service from the public sector to the private sector. As every coin have its two faces so it also has some pros &cons.
*Employees of the private sector are given high salaries, so they are much oriented towards their work and less interested in corruption.
*Quick action of private sectors against bribery, so it develope fear in employees for a bribe.
*Private institute provide more facilities and care to the public as well as belongings because it belongs to them. It helps in securing the property, and other things.
*Most important thing is that mostly GDP depend on taxes paid by a private institution.
*Competitive spirit in the sector will enhance and it will lead to qualitative products and services.
So, at last, I want to say that corruption does not depend on whether it's private or government, it completely depends on the individual's attitude. But it is necessary to take a step forward for corruption-free India.
Naveena D said:
5 years ago
Good Evening Friends,
According to me, Privatization leads to less corruption as well as it is not suitable for many private sectors. So, It does not only provide a good thing for the people whereas corruption will happen in many sectors. So, private sectors or Privatization will helpful for the people's requirements as well as some bad things also happen. So we should not allow corruption.
Thanking You.
According to me, Privatization leads to less corruption as well as it is not suitable for many private sectors. So, It does not only provide a good thing for the people whereas corruption will happen in many sectors. So, private sectors or Privatization will helpful for the people's requirements as well as some bad things also happen. So we should not allow corruption.
Thanking You.
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