Is Social Media Actually Connecting People?

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219 comments Page 1 of 22.

Prashant Kumar said:   5 days ago
Hi everyone.

My opinion is that, in these days social media plays a major role in all the platforms.

There are both advantages and disadvantages.

That depends on the uses.

If we use it for learning something or like LinkedIn or other helpful platforms or applications then.

It is fine.

But just like for entertainment purposes, we are using Facebook or Instagram or something like this type of application, It is addicted to our mind. There are so many disadvantages like underage child making reels that turned their life to hell.

I can't say about this that it will effect on this in the future.

Satat hayaran said:   5 days ago
Hello everyone,

I would like to say that yes social media helps us connect with people across the globe, my son is doing his job in the USA and his parents are in India, social media is a medium for them to connect.

Yes, I know every aspect of life has 2 sides a productive side as well as a destructive side but it all depends on us, how we use that tool, to make our life easily accessible or waste our time gathering vulgar content. We always have to see the positive side of social media because talking about the olden days back in the early 90s there is just a newspaper which was a medium of sharing information to the public and also it was a one-way communication others could not put or say their opinion but now in today's world we have social media platforms like news application, news pages on Instagram, Facebook which are spreading the news, information to every region of the world it a two-way communication platform where people give their opinion.

Here is a very good example of people connecting with the outside world, backward areas of India where people cannot travel to tier 1 cities but because of social media they can connect to the outer world and gain knowledge, and information, for example, a farmer can connect to a team of the weather forecast, student in the village can get access to online education just setting at there home.

Without moving from your work or place you can get access to everything at you want just at your fingertip.

Also, which type of data we have to see or consume all depends on what we are searching for or looking for, by analyzing our search history, watch history only social media analytics suggest us content if we are watching or searching for motivational, daily grooming, self-help content than social media will suggest us this type of videos to us.

Social media is not forcing us to make our id and use ait ll day Instagram and Facebook for entertainment purposes we are the ones who have to make their IDs on this platform to not get FOMO from society.

So, at last, I would conclude that social media is connecting us to untap areas across the globe.

Bhagyashree said:   2 weeks ago
Hello everyone,

In my opinion, nowadays it is not essential for us if we use it wisely it plays a major role or else if we use it for entertainment purposes it shorts videos scrolling should be addicted by everyone that thing makes our brain addicted to short-term happiness and one more point nowadays social media platform like Instagram, Facebook has many negative contents if we saw those contents that make us feelings stress and depression so in my point of view use social media platform as a knowledge purpose, not for entertainment.

Malleswari said:   2 weeks ago

Social media is in a our part of lives, the young generation wastes their time on social media so many people miss social media.

There are so many social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, WhatsApp, Instagram etc. We should connect with chats, groups, video calls, and voice messages and if we feel alone we make a friend by using social media.

Sujan T N said:   2 weeks ago
Yes, social media connects people in group discussions in unique ways that differ from traditional communication methods. It allows real-time interactions across geographic boundaries, enabling diverse perspectives to converge. Unlike face-to-face or formal group discussions, social media provides platforms where people can contribute asynchronously, share multimedia content, and express opinions in various formats. This democratizes participation, as individuals can join discussions without time or location constraints.

However, it also introduces challenges such as misinformation, echo chambers, and a lack of nonverbal cues, which can impact the depth and quality of conversations.

Jay Yadav said:   3 weeks ago
Hello everyone,

So we all are living in the digital era in which social media are becoming an essential part of our lives. I think in my opinion social media certainly helps us to connect with different kinds of people in all over the world. We have a different kind of social media websites and applications in today's time each connects the people but serves different purposes for example.

Instagram is an application which connects people and helps in sharing some good content related to entertainment, values and knowledge.

Linkdin is an application which connects professionals from all over the world and helps people to find a good job.

Youtube is something which provides different kinds of knowledge by connecting people.

Apart from that, we have WhatsApp, X and other websites which help us to connect with our relatives as well as many other people in the world.

Raghu said:   4 weeks ago
Hello Everyone here, I'm Raghu, Today the topic to discuss is "Is social media connecting people".

Yes, I do agree with this statement But every coin has two sides where it is advantageous to adults but negative to most of Teenagers and children.
Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and educational platform like LinkedIn helps to connect people all over the world and share a different perspective of each other and it also helps connect with video, and voice calls with close ones. The adult people can connect and work on same project if the thought process matches and also gain a new different ideas. But it as negatively impacting teenagers and children most of them become slaves to these platforms and it is robbing them of entire time, productivity as well and peace of mind. This social helps in connecting people but also based on our interests its keeps on suggesting similar content which we would like to see, so it decreases most people's productivity. Remember one thing Technology is a slave, not a master and let's use it to empower ourselves not enslave us.

Thank you

Archita said:   1 month ago
Hello everyone my name is Archita,

I want to start off by presenting a question that there are always two sides to a coin, right?

So although it does connect people on a superficial level, it does more harm than good if not used correctly. For adults, it is a medium of communication, building new connections, and discovering different things. But, is it equally important for teenagers too? The answer would be no.

Social media is a bane disguised in the form of a boon. It leads to insecurity, peer pressure, anxiety, and fear of missing out among teens and creates a generation gap among them. They try to impersonate adults whom they like without giving it a second thought, all for public attention and to look cool and trendy. But little do they realise, how harmful it is going to be for them. Teens spend hours every day doing nothing productive but consuming reels, short videos which come one of another as you keep on scrolling through them.

Based on our interests, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube will keep on giving us similar content that we like and we endlessly consume them, thus falling into an endless loop of depression and lack of productivity makes them dull. Therefore, it is entirely on ourselves how we utilize this tool. If used wisely, it can open new doors of opportunities but misuse of it can become a trap that robs us of our time, self-worth, and peace of mind. Remember, technology is a servant, not a master—let's use it to empower ourselves, not enslave us.

Sushant Ghorpade said:   1 month ago
Hello! Good morning and let begin with our topic social media is connecting people.

So, My thought on it is yes, social media connect people all over the world with different application like instagram, facebook and education platform linkedin. It build the global connectivity with each other in thoughts and ideas. And it's important in developing the own Nation by interacting with highly developed Nation people's.

In conclusion through social media app people are connected with each other with the different point of views.

Sreelakshmi Murali said:   2 months ago
Hi Everyone,

Yes, I do feel that social media is really connecting people around the world. We are able to unlimitedly talk via voice and video calls to our loved ones miles apart through these social media platforms. We are able to access news regarding almost everything going around us via these platforms as well. Not just that intellects, researchers and even scientists around the world are able to connect and work together within no time because of this. Though direct face to face contact and outdoor activities are decreasing, when views from a bigger dimension it's definitely connecting people better than before.

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