Indian Army as a Career Option
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133 comments Page 14 of 14.
Sathiya seelan M said:
1 decade ago
After finishing the schooling or graduate programmes, every man should earn for his own life or his family. If he wish to serve and protect his father, mother, brother, sister, wife, son, daughter, even the friends and relatives, then why should he miss the chance to serve and protect our nation (our motherland). If any one wish to say that you are proud to be an Indian, then you should serve for our country in the most prestigious Indian Army. As we are Indians, we say our country to be our mother, my father born nation, 'all are my brothers and sister', then why should we take our career in Indian Army then serve and safeguard our vast relationships and friends belongs to you and your motherland. At-last, "Though, a terrorist who can sacrifice his life for taking the life's of 1000 innocent people, why can't we give our single life for safeguarding 1000 Indians" Serve the country. Live like a legend. Die for the country. JAI HINTH. ! Salute to Indian army and their families.
Faraz said:
1 decade ago
Indian army is the platform from where you get the access to be the part of that India which is your motherland in that respect in which you are supposed to protect and secure India from external aggression and threats, and maintaining peace and security within its borders.
Ankit raj said:
1 decade ago
Sir, I m so much curious to serve my nation. "INDIAN ARMY" is not only a designated job for me but it is a passion for me to save my nation. It is not a slogan it is like my prestige, even more than that. I love to be a part of Indian army, so that I can do that which I had always dreams about.
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