Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.

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37 comments Page 2 of 4.

Hardik agarwal said:   1 decade ago
I don't think that it is really a topic to discuss, I mean definitely government should first check his lap full of black money and then try to monitor others. Government is the source of initiating the practices of bribery and then we, the common people comes into the light. Take any example of spectrum in India and prove that government's hands are clean in the spectrum, you can't. Because all the big happenings in India where minister's interest and powers are involved, the chances of corruption will surely 100%.

I am pointing towards any particular minister, it is all powers and money which makes one selfish with no sense left of taking care of common man.

Lets hope of some honest and determine towards their duty and oath.

Bala said:   1 decade ago
Hi friends. This is money minded world. Your are all should know one thing. The corruption has been initiated by private sector only. The private sectors are giving money to do irregular activities, its gradually increases and all the officers expects something to do their job.

The government should punish those who are misuse their responsible then only the corruption will be demolish and of course to maintains all the public sectors is the big burden of government. So we need private sectors help to accomplish the work within the time. But work on should be more clear, all should obey the rules and regulations.

More important we should also obey the government rules and then only it will be good.

Kavinkumar, gct said:   1 decade ago
Corruption one among the crucial problem now the society is facing. Everyone has his own view on corruption. Somebody says its because the people are corrupted. But the thing is corruption starts when peoples are not provided with the rights to overcome it. Consider a democratic country like India. Here we can express our thoughts. We can form a group. But the law is if such groups are found doing mischief things the group has to be banned. Here the politicians are utilising it. They ban such groups by saying they are misbehaving the government law. So they are to be suppersed. A clear example of it is facebook. The are misusing the laws that are provided.

PREETI said:   1 decade ago
I do agree with the topic. In my openion government should clean their hands first in order to set good example in front of private companies. The present scenerio of government organisation is that if you donot have any source then you can't get your done whether it is any government office or institute. In some or other way every worker is corrupted.

Same is the case in private organisations. Infact it is worst in schools and institutions where every other college demanding lots of money and is increasing day by day.

I would like urge to government to first check internal system and think of making place as a developed nation of the world.

Karthic said:   1 decade ago
Hi friends,

Now we discussing about the corruption is done by private sector or government. Don't confuse, definitely both are involved in the corruption. The private sector do some activity through giving amount to government officials. Government officials also supporting to those corruption. Like land garbing by real estate business mans. And also lot of colleges get amount from the student for their courses. This type corruption done by private sector even though government not below to private sector. Govt is also involved corruption like 2g scam, cwg scams. So government first avoid this then after give suggestion to others.

Neha binzani said:   1 decade ago
Hello everyone. I am completely agree that government should clean its hand before pointing finger at the private sector.

We know that private sectors are providing more job compare to government. Private sector reduced unemployment problem till some extent. Government is doing nothing but increasing food and other price and making people poor day by day and people who are rich getting rich day by day. Government should think about development o.

Are growth of the company rather than pointing others. Government should give punishment to people who are misusing government property.

Thank you.

SACHIN ANS AUGUSTINE said:   1 decade ago
In India government sector is more corrupted than private sector. We are Indians so we should not blame our country, instead of blaming we can provide ideas to reduce corruption. 'people should have a fear while doing corruption'.

In my opinion A RULE should be passed that if government employees does corruption he should be banned from doing any kind of job or business inside the country and his passport should also be cancelled, and also he should not get any type of benefits from the government. If this RULE becomes reality it is sure that no one does corruption.

Rohan said:   1 decade ago
I would simply put my vote in private sector, because government or public sector are main culprits in corruption which ruin the future in darkness.The government had pointed fingers on private for corruption. The private sector are profit oriented with hard work in competition.The progress of private sector had taken away basic aminetes like electricity under there belt.The best example is reliance power which is progressing well in mumbai.In future due to government had to check there own pockets before addressing burglar to others. Thank you.

Kara jhansi said:   1 decade ago
Government is the governing body. It has to see that everything goes on well as per law. If government is strict and punishes the wrong doers severely, no one dares to be unlawful. Private sectors are profit oriented. They tend to bribe to get their things done. But it is the duty of public servants to implement the rules under all pressures whatsoever it may be. Change should come from gross root level in public sector and government which appears to be a mirage in the near future, in spite of "India against corruption movements".

Debra Joseph said:   1 decade ago
Corruption is the root cause for the growth decline in India. Private Sector does have corruption but this is attributed to the government. A company today cannot be started without having to bribe government officials. Everyone knows how much money politicians are taking in form of taxes but none of it ever helps in the development of the country. For progress, the government should first clean up their mess and then point fingers at private organizations that actually help employing people in the country.

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