Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?

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197 comments Page 1 of 20.

Maya said:   1 decade ago
Hai friends.

Beauty is gift of god. When we hear word beauty we suddenly think about our external beauty. But no, beauty can also our inner beauty too. Suppose if we see a beautiful girl and we are very much impressed too. But her behavior and her way of talking is not good. Whatever beauty we felt will melt like ice cream.

So one word to people with beauty and brain. They are really gift of god. So try to utilize that gift without harming others.


M.V. Divya Surabhi said:   1 decade ago
Hello there.

When we come to a discussion of beauty, we must keep in mind that beauty doesn't always mean the external affinity. There is something known as an inner beauty as well. External beauty is just flamboyant, whereas the inner beauty signifies a person's talent, his ideas, moods, emotions, behavior, talents and many more; and this is the thing which lasts forever.

Now if we talk about brain, it is the main part of our body, without which we cannot think or do any work properly. Let me exemplify this - we all know about a handicapped scientist, named Stephen Hawking. He can neither walk nor talk, and just see his brilliant inventions. How did he do that ? Because of his ingeniously working brain. #Respect.

All in all, I would conclude that even for a good talent, the use of brain is must, which also further reveals the inner beauty. So, if no brain, no talent. No talent, no beauty. Therefore I would prefer brain over beauty.

Rohit said:   10 years ago
BEAUTY is come from inside. If your confidence level is high, you are honest for every one.

Then beauty come automatically. No only means of beauty you looking good.

"FACE IS INDEX OF HUMAN BRAIN" or brain attach to your thinking, behavior etc.

If you want to find your beauty then work on yourself. Beauty not found in creams, soaps, etc.

Priya said:   10 years ago

In my opinion beauty and brains go together.

Beauty doesn't mean external beauty, what the true meaning of beauty is how beautiful you are by heart, the way you behave, your emotions, kindness, sympathy as well as empathy towards others. Note that others do not include only your well-knowns but also unknowns and different species too. The More you start possessing the former qualities, the more beautiful you will become after each passing day. To be brainy means you can understand the true definition of beauty and will not rely on making yourself externally beautiful but to purify your heart!

K.Leela Aparna Devi said:   10 years ago
In my opinion both beauty and brains are together.

But this is possible only sometimes. More over that we cannot define any ones mind only seeing them. Because external appearance may or may not good for every one who really having more knowledge.

So don't over estimate or under estimate any person only based on beauty.

Anjali said:   10 years ago
Dear friends,

Do Beauty and Brains Together?

Yes, Exactly. God Gave Such A Wonderful Gifts to Everyone. But Few members only Utilizing that.

For Example:

Suppose in the case one Beautiful Women or Handsome boy are going to attend the interview. At the Time they are not Using Brain. What it will be happen? simply they will reject. Without Brain we can't do anything Properly. As well as If we want to make our self beauty means for that also We need brain only. This is EXTERNAL BEAUTY.


But the inner way of beauty is kindness, caring, Loving, etc. Now I would like to Call Mother Theresa very kindness and spiritual life. We need only INNER Beauty.

Some peoples are looking very beauty. But If they are annoying, arrogant etc. Mean its Waste only. That's Why we need inner beauty.

Few of Peoples are not working Brain Properly. But many of them Using Wonderful.

Example: DR. A.P.J ABDUL KALAM, etc.

Without Brain we can't think anything proper way. Then We have lot of Scientist in this World. So Brain is very important at the same time We need Inner Beauty.

So We Can say Brain And Beauty Can Go Together.

Aafreen said:   10 years ago
In my point of view, Beauty and Brains can't go together. Without brain you can't do anything with beauty. Beauty is not a stable one. If you show your talent over others, then you will gain a good respect. But with only beauty, you gain nothing.

Sabeen Nabeel said:   10 years ago
In my opinion Beauty and Brains do not go together. Beauty and Brains are two vital factors foe humans. A beautiful appearance having a dull brain is of no use. On the other hand, a bugle appearance having a powerful brain can produce something for the human welfare. So Brains have got prominence over Beauty.

Nida said:   10 years ago
God has given each individual the right amount of beauty and brain required to succeed in life. The person who is intelligent don't really need the beauty for eg: snoop dog (ugly but successful in glamorous world because of his beautiful brain). And the person who is beautiful don't really need to have a brilliant mind for eg: Alia Bhatt (known for low IQ level but very successful in her career).

And if god would have given someone lot of beauty and super intelligent brain that person can be under superiority complex, he will give himself airs and disdain others who lacks such skills. So it is important to have right amount of beauty and right amount of brains to live a balanced life.

Akhi said:   10 years ago
Hello everyone.

In my opinion Beauty and brain have equal bases how? Yes let me explain, beauty gives confidence, isn't ?

I am not saying about the external beauty, beauty inside the heart makes the brain to run smoothly and positively, a positive instant smile on our face indicate others our attitude. If attitude is good, obviously brain rockz.

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