Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?

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48 comments Page 1 of 5.

Jamil Ahammad said:   7 years ago
In my point of view, brand endorsement as an actor of any product. It will be beneficial for the business. As now these a few young generation feels like what an actor is wearing in an add they want to wear same thing as well someone thinks do so. But these thing depends upon the popularity and the fame of any actor if his or her popularity good in the market, society and somebody following, like them then possitive affect will be there someone thinks do so. But nowadays every product has it owns specific features, quality. But as far as I am concerned that whenever any consumer want to buy any product. They choosing best quality, features best price and cheep. I think brand endorsement as an actor of any product. It will never be affected. Because we all need to be best quality Nd cheep products. Why you following any celebrity like actor, political. What they have done for us or our country. We should never be followed them. We should never be do, what they want and wear to us. We should have own opinion. Nd we will become that which we want Nd needs to be. We all know which product fabulous or worse. Even no one believe that on artificial product because we are natural. We are believed to be natural Nd believe in that. Thank you all of you.

GD_Prep said:   1 decade ago
In my opinion, using celebrities for advertisement and brand endorsements in not appropriate.

We have many celebrities who are treated next to God in INDIA and worldwide, so the greedy brands take their fame into opportunities and money grinding schemes.

Moreover most of these celebrities do not have any idea of how much impact they can stress upon their fans by simply endorsing any.

Particular brand or item. People will only take the authenticity of the products by simply looking at the brands endorsed by their superstars.

Also by using celebrities for brand endorsement hampers the job opportunities of many young aspiring models who take up professional courses in Modelling and advertising.

Moreover when these big superstars take their opportunities not only their dreams gets shattered but also they fail in coping with unemployment and loss of lavish lifestyle and short time fame.

Also the money provided by big brands to the celebrities could also affect their actual profession. For e.g. The sportsman may lose his concentration on his actual profession.

So in my opinion, celebrities should be used to promote those causes which are for national interest or social cause like spreading awareness about polio, AIDS, etc.

Ritu said:   1 decade ago
Hello everyone.

I feel using celebrities in advertisement is okay. Because we consider things mostly from the point of view of a consumer. But if we see things from the point of the brand owner his primary motive will be earning profit. So naturally he will try to hire the best celebrity in the market because he knows that celebrities DO have an impact in increasing the sales because people link themselves with these superstars in India.

For eg. Shahrukh Khan promoting fair & lovely for men has more buyers than vicco cream whose ad is done by a non entity.

Also these stars don't charge some nominal fees for these ads. So evidently if the company can hire a very popular star it simply means they have a huge capital which they must have invested in developing their product, so obviously the quality of the product will be good.

Also the stars we see have a reputation to protect so they won't act for any brand which comes first with the offer.

Of course lastly buying the product or not is the sole decision of the customers. Comparing & reviewing the product is his duty. Otherwise I think celebrity brand endorsement is not wrong or ineffective.

Thank you.

Venu said:   1 decade ago
Hi friends,

Brand ambassador are needed for the few products like food and beverage products. These products cost should be. Low and people will not compare this to any other product in that range. For example Sachin is brand ambassador for boost product n he is having great respect in the society. So, people may think that buying boost because such a great person is using this product and why can't we try? Upto these kind of products, brand ambassador is needed.

Now a days, the educated people and professionals mind set has been changed. If people want to buy mobile or bike or car. , they will compare all the models in the internet within their budget range and selecting the best among them.

For example, sharukh khan one of the famous hero in Bollywood and he is the brand ambassador for Nokia smart phones and for Samsung smart phones, there is no celebrity brand ambassador. But here in India Samsung smart phones sales rate is very high when compare to Nokia smart phones.

My conclusion is that celebrity brand ambassador are needed for few products and needed for the many products which are already successfully running in the market.


Shreyas Joshi said:   10 years ago
I think that the celebrities should endorse advertisements because of the following reasons:

1) Advertisements with celebrities would fetch larger profits for the brand owners.

2) Being a celebrity is also a difficult profession. There is nothing wrong if they want to earn extra money.

3) If the brand is good in quality and a celebrity is endorsing the particular brand, people would trust the brand as they are seeing their role models in TV.

4) After the advertisement is endorsed, the brand owner might make the celebrity his brand's ambassador which would provide respect for both owner and the celebrity.

As always there are disadvantages as well:

1) If the celebrity is very busy in his work, endorsing advertisements would distract them from their work.

2) There some people who think that the brand owners are making a fool out of them. By these thoughts, these people won't buy the product which the celebrity has endorsed which might lead to a loss for the brand owners.

3) The brand owner might lose his respect as his product is not being sold.

Pankaj mehra said:   10 years ago
Hello my dear friends,

I want to keep my point of view in front of you all, there are just few advantages of being a ambassador of any product, but there are no of disadvantage for both consumer as well as for producer and celebrity's.

Talking about advantages.

1> Celebrity endorsement makes believe in consumer.

2> Company need not to do much effort for promoting their products.

3> Company uses celebrities success or respect as a complimentary for their product.

4> It is the way where people or consumer are more attentive rather than other marketing place.


1> There is no surety that brand would be hit or successful in the market, it is a such kind of a gambling.

2> Celebrity endorsement increases the price of the product.

3> If the product is defective it will effect celebrity image or if celebrity do some wrong thing than the product image will be effected.

4> People get illusion after watching ad in screens, they do not want to ensure the product quality. They just want result.

Thank you.

Sajith said:   1 decade ago
According to me endorsing celebrities for advertising is not a good idea. Although they are the stars in their own disciplines, making them a part of commercials is not healthy. Celebrities in India a highly venerated and "fanified", so bringing them to ads creates a wrong perception of their acting ie. people start creating issues like they dont concentrate on acting since they are upto commercials more than acting and earn lumpsum.

Apart from television stars, sportspersons are also among the brand ambassadors for various commercial products. This deviates them from their careers sometimes leads to poor performance in their respective sports and also causes a sense of hatred among the sport lovers. But yes, thinking from an Advertising agency point of view, celebrity brand endorsement is a vital part as they use the celebrities for commercializing their product in a large scale so tat they can reach the customers rapidly.

So the brand endorsement using celebrities must be minimized.

Uttara said:   7 years ago
Yes, definitely it is an effective method to draw people's trust in the brand. The audience buy into the idea that these celebrities themselves use the brand and they are at the height of their success because of the brands. Quite funny but it is not only the case in India where a much sizeable amount of customers lack practicality but this method has been resorted to by developed countries like America, UK, France and much more. When we see Shahrukh Khan drinking Pepsi we think they the fit even after consuming Pepsi so the fat content in these articles may be a myth. And when we see Kareena Kapoor endorsing a fairness cream we think the secret of her beauty lies in that very cream only. Advertisers all over pay a huge amount of money to book the most celebrated celebrities because they can read people's mind. They know human behavior so they do it. So, in a nutshell, the conclusion is that yes celebrity brand endorsement is an effective advertising.

Master said:   1 decade ago
A company who wish to earn by selling their products wants celebs to endorse their products and raise their sales bar and on the other side people believe on their thoughts and purchase that as it is endorse by their favourites. For example sachin tendulkar who is role models for every upcoming cricketer, promotes boost an energy drink and people buy it as it is promoted or used the legend sachin. But it has limitation on both sides like if the sachin endorse boost will charge for its adds which adds to the cost of boost. So it helps company to increase their sales but costs the people.

Many a times it affects many people like if a sportsman gets huge pays from adds he can get disinterested from his game which can hurt his performance. So as per my opinion no celebs should used for advertising.

So concluding on topic I would say Celebrity Brand Endorsement is Effective Advertising for the firm but not for people who follows it.

Jolly said:   1 decade ago
Advertisement is for the segment which a company wants to capture so to use a suitable brand ambassador or ambassadress is also very important decision. More over primary motive of business is to earn profit and every business wants to give information or create awareness among customer with advertisement about there products. People wants to see full add only if ambassador is liked by them i.e., the reason because sachin, dhoni, sehwag, and other cricketers are hired by companies. Sharukh khan is attached with Hindustan Unilever Promoting their products. Samsung is become very famous because of amir khan, idea because of abhishek and so many products which is known because of ambassador. So I feel nothing is wrong to hire a celebrities like katrina, ashwria, sachin, sharukh etc to promote a product. Company will hire only those which is liked by public and they want to see them in ads.

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