General Knowledge - General Science - Discussion

Discussion Forum : General Science - Elements and Metals (Q.No. 1)
Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air?
Hydrogen sulphide
Carbon dioxide
Answer: Option
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251 comments Page 3 of 26.

Rathod said:   3 years ago
Agree, option B is right.

Anshika Sharma said:   3 years ago
I think option B is right.

Anshika said:   3 years ago
B is correct because brass gets discoloured in the air because of the presence of hydrogen sulphide.

Ayushi said:   3 years ago
Why can't (D) be the answer? Explain please.

Pranjal Tripathi said:   3 years ago
Brass is a copper alloy with the addition of zinc.

Copper is reactive with some materials in the atmosphere at different temperatures.

Exposure to air at normal temperatures results in discolouration (tarnish) due to reaction with sulfur and chlorine compounds and carbonates,

Exposure at high temperatures > 150°C. Results in reaction with oxygen-producing red oxides (cuprous) at lower temperatures and brown or black oxides (cupric) at higher temperatures.

Pavan said:   3 years ago
Explain the answer.

Janani said:   3 years ago
Why hydrogen sulphide? Explain please.

BHARATH.MP said:   3 years ago
Because of chemical reactions.

Piyush said:   3 years ago
Why hydrogen sulphide? Please explain.

Piyush said:   3 years ago
Why hydrogen sulphide? Please explain.

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