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Discussion Forum : Chemistry - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
The most electronegative element among the following is
80 comments Page 2 of 8.
Vishnu said:
1 decade ago
While going to the right side the size of the atom is decreasing, hence the size of the oxygen is higher than fluorine. Also to obey the octet rule fluorine needs one more electron. All these makes fluorine more electronegative than oxygen.
Shaheen Anam said:
7 years ago
Florine is most electronegativity due to small size. In periodic table going to left to right atomic size decreases & electronegativity increases. As we move right to left of periodic table EN decreases then atomic size increases.
Clemzy said:
1 decade ago
Flourine is the most electron nagetive, because it has 7 valence electron in its outmost shell and need 1 electron to gain an octet structure, this makes it to react easily with the alkaline metal of group 1 elements and other metals.
Josh West said:
6 years ago
Electronegativity is high in non-metals than in metals flourine is the most electronegative because it's a non-metal, it has 7electrons in it outer most shell and can easily accept 1 electron to obtain an octet state.
Mani said:
1 decade ago
Because fluorine is halogen and all halogens are more electronegative. (2) it obeys octet rule and from its electronic configuration 1 electron is less to cmplt da octet. So it is electronegative.
Dnyaneshwar k gote said:
8 years ago
Because an electron gain enthalpy and becomes more nagative from left to right.
Addition of an electron in 2p-orbital leads to a greater repulsion when atomic size is very small as in f.
Addition of an electron in 2p-orbital leads to a greater repulsion when atomic size is very small as in f.
Dnyaneshwar k gote said:
8 years ago
Because an electron gain enthalpy and becomes more nagative from left to right.
Addition of an electron in 2p-orbital leads to a greater repulsion when atomic size is very small as in f.
Addition of an electron in 2p-orbital leads to a greater repulsion when atomic size is very small as in f.
Nagaraj said:
1 decade ago
Atomic no of florine is 9 its configuration is 2, 7 outermost shell contain 7 electrons it is easy to gain one 'e' to complete its octect. That's why it is more electronegative element.
Anamika said:
1 decade ago
Atomic no of florine is 9 its configuration is 2,7 outermost shell contain 7 electrons it is easy to gain one 'e' to complete its octect. That's why it is more electronegative element.
Mad said:
1 decade ago
Because of presenting in the halogen group it having the higher electron negativity. Fluorine is in small size so it wants only one electron for this it is the strong oxidizing agent.
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