Electronics - Parallel Circuits - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Parallel Circuits - General Questions (Q.No. 10)
Which component is shorted?

Answer: Option
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Pankaj said:   1 decade ago
G is galvanometer and it measure current. 2.4 A is in the next G so no current through the R1. Similarly, no current through R2, R3 and finally whole current through R4. So R4 is short circuited and others are open circuit.

Shivanand said:   9 years ago
Very simple just observe that all galvanometers are reading the same current there id is no current which is flowing through the r1 r2 r3 and at last to form the loop so that current can flow r4 must be short circuited.

Mamta Bisht said:   9 years ago
Short circuit means lower the resistance. So R1 has the lower resistance so R1 should be the answer.

Imbesat alam said:   1 decade ago
G is conductance and it is related to resistance as R=1/G.

Man singh said:   1 decade ago
'A' in the box of 2.400 G confirms that it is Galvanometer.

Now since ammeter is connected in series & zero resistance is assumed offered by ammeter. So while solving we can ignore/ discard the galvanometer(ammeter) & redraw the circuit & then Solve it.

Total I = 25mA.

I1 Across R1 = 12mA.
I2 Across R2 = 6mA.
I3 Across R3 = 4mA.
I4 Across R4 = 1mA.

Recheck Total I = (I1+I2+I3+I4) = 25mA;

Short circuit means more current flows; while open circuit means no current flows or less current flows.

Max current is flowing through R1 & less through R4.

Basically current is flowing though all Resistances. Also Rating of Galvanometer is 2.4 that is much higher than 25mA (Total current) hence all Galvanometer are in working condition again confirming that current is flowing through all Resistances.

I would like to conclude that R1 is comparatively short circuit. But we all are trying to justify R4 because R4 is the option given in the answer series.

Milongo said:   1 decade ago
When you look at this circuit its shown that the current has only one path (as it is indicated by the Galvanometer). Now understanding the meaning of open circuit which could be the same as a burnt resistor (no current flow). Then by FORCE. R4 is going to get all the current. Making the path of R4 a SHORT circuit.

Now, This does not means that R4, is not there, yes is there and after some time it is going to burn. Since it is to much current going through. This is a problem. Puff fire all over. Poor resistor R4.

Jessy said:   1 decade ago
Just simply remember if R1>R2 in parallel circuit of resistance in this case current flow through R1 is less and R2 is more current.

Priya said:   10 years ago

Explains that current is highest in R4 but it is a obvious thing that current should be low in I4 because R4 = 12/R4.

Ravi said:   10 years ago
Short circuit means high circuit current. High circuit means low resistance.

Bhadmanathan.c said:   10 years ago
As we all know, voltage is constant in parallel circuit. So I = V/R.

Current through R1 = 12mA.

Similarly through R2, R3 and R4 is 6mA, 4mA and 3mA.

Open circuit = No current or less current flows.

Short circuit = Large current flows.

Here R4 has Max current flow. So it would be short circuited.

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