Electronics - Parallel Circuits - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Parallel Circuits - General Questions (Q.No. 10)
Which component is shorted?

49 comments Page 1 of 5.
Laran said:
1 decade ago
Because R4 is the final circuit which closes the loop.
Manju said:
1 decade ago
But applying kvl gives different answer.
Gajjar Akash said:
1 decade ago
1st convert G into R and 0.02A pass through R1 and current increases as resistance, so high current pass through R4.
VINOD said:
1 decade ago
What is G here ?
Sundar said:
1 decade ago
I hope G is a Galvanometer here.
A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: an instrument for detecting and measuring electric current.
A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: an instrument for detecting and measuring electric current.
Anita said:
1 decade ago
g is conductance
Abirami said:
1 decade ago
Anitha is right. G stands for conductance.
Ritika said:
1 decade ago
Please elaborate.
Ganapathi said:
1 decade ago
Current is always passes through the small resistance. Aaccording to the kvl the r4 having high resistance than r3+2400g.
So the final answer is the r4. and here g stands for conductance. i.e 1/R.
So the final answer is the r4. and here g stands for conductance. i.e 1/R.
Pankaj said:
1 decade ago
G is galvanometer and it measure current. 2.4 A is in the next G so no current through the R1. Similarly, no current through R2, R3 and finally whole current through R4. So R4 is short circuited and others are open circuit.
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