Electronics and Communication Engineering - Electronic Devices and Circuits - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Electronic Devices and Circuits - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
Work function is the maximum energy required by the fastest electron at 0 K to escape from the metal surface.
Answer: Option
Work function is the minimum energy required by the fastest electron at 0 K to escape from the metal surface.
11 comments Page 1 of 2.
Shawan kumar said:
7 years ago
I think, It should be true.
Vaishu said:
7 years ago
Need more information about it. Please explain.
Kundan said:
9 years ago
I think at 0 k temperature most of electrons free to move, so Work function is the minimum energy required to escape the electrons.
Suraj kumar das said:
9 years ago
Work function is the minimum energy required to escape the electrons form the metal surface in absolute temperature.
Naveen kumar said:
9 years ago
I also required more information for this.
Nagababu said:
10 years ago
Work function is the minimum energy required by an electron to escape from a metal surface at 0 temperature or at a given temperature electron escapes at work function equal to applied energy plus equivalent energy of temperature.
Priyesh said:
10 years ago
Please explain it with details.
Pratiksha said:
10 years ago
Please explain the above statement.
Vishwaas said:
10 years ago
Work function always minimum, because it takes less energy to move conduction band to valance band.
Gnena sai said:
10 years ago
I want more explanation regarding to it.
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