Digital Electronics - Digital Concepts - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Digital Concepts - General Questions (Q.No. 5)
The range of voltages between VL(max) and VH(min) are ________.
between 2 V and 5 V
Answer: Option
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38 comments Page 1 of 4.

Syed Shakeeb said:   3 years ago
0 to 1.5 logic 0.
1.5 to 3.5 is unacceptable.
3.5 to 5 logic 1.

If the value of voltages lies between 2 to 3 is known as unacceptable.

Anubhav said:   3 years ago
In this world of semiconductor, anything above VL (max) and below VH (min) is unacceptable, because that is called state of uncertainty.

It has to do with noise margins and fabrication defects. VL (max) is acceptable noise margin for low state, VH (min) is acceptable noise margin for high state.

Actual voltages may differ from implementations to designs and fabrication methods.

Prashanth said:   5 years ago
It's not about real voltages. In an ideal world, Digital circuits will have one single high voltage for 1 and another single low voltage for 0. All others are not allowed. Two voltage levels for two symbols. However this is not possible due to noise and hence we consider small ranges for both. So, ideally option C is correct.

Kurdapi said:   5 years ago
I think the right answer should be C. Agree with the given answer.

Priyanka said:   6 years ago
I can't understand. Please explain it briefly.

Vaidehi said:   7 years ago
Since it is digital that's why no varying value is acceptable thus answer is unacceptable for digital circuits.

Naina Pathak said:   7 years ago
Answer is C.

Kiran said:   9 years ago
Digital circuits are mainly for "low power applications".

So, as Jigar said manufacturer have a requirement to make an IC in which 1-means a high voltage level (Vdd) similarly 0 for low voltage (some. X). That Vdd and x depends on requirement and transistor technology in which IC is manufacturing (channel length).

So the answer is C.

Srilu said:   9 years ago
Why can't it is unknown.

Nitesh said:   9 years ago
I think it related to Noise Margin. So analyse the question right to noise margin.

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