Digital Electronics - Combinational Logic Circuits - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Combinational Logic Circuits - General Questions (Q.No. 1)
How many 3-line-to-8-line decoders are required for a 1-of-32 decoder?
14 comments Page 1 of 2.
Reshma said:
3 years ago
32/8=4 is correct,
If enable input 4 decoders needed means, 4 enable inputs are needed right?
If enable input 4 decoders needed means, 4 enable inputs are needed right?
Adeena said:
5 years ago
How can 2 to 4 line decoder be used in this? Can you tell by the circuit diagram?
Suren said:
6 years ago
5 input lines is the correct answer.
Ann said:
6 years ago
What is a demultiplexer?
Rajashekar said:
7 years ago
(32÷8) + (4÷8) =4.5.
So, the answer is 4.
So, the answer is 4.
Keerthi said:
7 years ago
Your explanation is simple and clear to understand @Ayyappa.
Rajaram said:
7 years ago
Decoder can be used as demultiplexer also, so 1x32 demux is similar to 5x32 decoder. Here 3x8 decoders (4x8 =32 outputs) input is single line. So 2 input line is used in chip selection one of 4 chip.
MVP said:
8 years ago
Decoders having 2^m outputs and m inputs w.r.t this to obtain 32(2^5) output lines we need 5input lines.
How come you can make 1-32 decoder?
How come you can make 1-32 decoder?
Amareswari said:
8 years ago
We need one 2 to 4 decoder and four 3 to 8 decoders to implement 5 to 32 decoder.
Ravi said:
8 years ago
Explain in the form of diagram eg. decoder.
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