Civil Engineering - Water Supply Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Water Supply Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 13)
Distribution mains of any water supply, is normally designed for its average daily requirement
23 comments Page 1 of 3.
Neel said:
1 decade ago
Shouldn't it be designed for maximum hourly demand = 2.7 times average daily demand ?
Sri said:
1 decade ago
How 225% is correct?
Nikit said:
10 years ago
Shouldn't it be 180%?
Jitu said:
9 years ago
225% answer is wrong.
Distribution mains designed for max hourly draft of max day so it should be 150% option (B).
Distribution mains designed for max hourly draft of max day so it should be 150% option (B).
Sumansarkar said:
8 years ago
The avg daily requirement is 180%, Then how it is 225%?
Biahnoi said:
8 years ago
1.5 * (1.8 * (average daily/24)) = 2.7 average hourly.
Madhusmita said:
8 years ago
It's true. The average Daily requirement of water 135 to 225 (200 is minimum).
Monika rawat said:
8 years ago
The distribution system in water supplies is designed on the basis of?
Please tell me.
Please tell me.
Ramanan said:
7 years ago
Main pipe can be designed as max daily (1.8 times of daily demand),distribution pipe can be designed as (max hourly of max daily (2.7 *max hourly of max daily).
Angel said:
7 years ago
Distribution system design criteria - total draft.
Sorce of supply & pipe mains - max daily demand.
Filters &pumps - twice avg daily demand.
Sorce of supply & pipe mains - max daily demand.
Filters &pumps - twice avg daily demand.
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