Civil Engineering - UPSC Civil Service Exam Questions

A river is the source of water for water supply to a town. Its water is very turbid and polluted. The correct sequence of steps for treating the river water would be :
Presedimentation -> prechlorination -> coagulation -> sedimentation -> filtration -> post chlorination
coagulation -> sedimentation -> post-chlorination
coagulation -> filtration -> sedimentation -> post-chlorination
sedimentation -> post-chlorination
Answer: Option
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What is the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) ?
Projected precipitation for a 100-yr return period
Maximum precipitation for all past recorded storms
Upper limit of rainfall, which is justified climatologically
Effective precipitable water
Answer: Option
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Westergaard's analysis for stress distribution beneath loaded area is applicable to
sandy soils
clayey soils
stratified soils
silty soils
Answer: Option
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Which of the following variations of magnetic declination are correctly matched ?
1. Diurnal variation..........Variation whose time period varies from 100-350 years
2. Annual variation.........Annual rate of change of secular variation
3. Secular variaiion..........Variation of declination periodic in character
4. Irregular variation.........Caused due to magnetic storms in earth's magnetic field
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
1, 3 and 4
2 and 3
1 and 4
3 and 4
Answer: Option
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In order to find the resultant of a system of coplanar parallel system of forces, the correct sequence of the graphical procedure to be followed is
force diagram, space diagram, funicular polygon and polar diagram
funicular polygon, force diagram, space diagram and polar diagram
space diagram, force diagram, polar diagram and funicular polygon
space diagram, funicular polygon, force diagram and polar diagram.
Answer: Option
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