Civil Engineering - UPSC Civil Service Exam Questions

If the difference of height between two points is 1 m and the slope distance between them is 100 m, then accuracy of slope correction determination could be 1 in 1, 00, 000, provided the heights are measured with an accuracy of
± 0.1 cm
± 0.5 cm
± 1.0 cm
± 5.0 cm
Answer: Option
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Which one of the following is a method of extending the length of record for a frequency curve at a station ?
Double Mass Curve method
The Station Year method
Thiessen method
Isohyetal method
Answer: Option
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Consider the following statements regarding a simply supported beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load over the entire span :
1. The bending moment is maximum at the central position.
2. The shear force is zero at the central position.
3. The slope is maximum at the middle position.
Of these statements :
1, 2 and 3 are correct
1 and 2 are correct
2 and 3 are correct
1 and 3 are correct
Answer: Option
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Given that:
d = effective depth, b = width and D = overall depth.
The maximum area of compression reinforcement in a beam is
0.04 bd
0.04 bD
0.12 bd
0.12 bD
Answer: Option
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Which one of the following is not a standard spike for railways ?
Dog spike
Cat spike
Screw spike
Round spike
Answer: Option
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